November 6, 1748

1748 November 6 (Sunday).  On Jer. 3.15 all Day.  N.B. I have been wont to take some Notice of the first Sabbath after October 28 (the Day of my Ordination A.D. 1724) to treat of some Ministerial or other proper subject; but was detain’d from home last Sabbath.  No preaching at Grafton.  Mr. Isaac Richardson[1] who was to have preach’d there to Day having been taken sick and dy’d.  Captain Willard[2] din’d here.

[1](Harvard 1726).  An itinerant schoolmaster, who preached occasionally at various places.  Sibley, VIII, 92-95.

[2]Benjamin Willard of Grafton.

November 10, 1748

1748 November 10 (Thursday).  Mr. Cotton for Newton.  N.B. his son and Mr. Cook, his Neighbour at Newtown, with him.  Mr. Grow and Batherick at work a.m. on my back porch.  They din’d here, as did Reverend Mr. Stone,[1] Two Tainters and their Kinswoman Joanna Tainter[2] of Watertown.  Mr. Stone preach’d the Lecture on Phil. 2.8.  I Stopp’d the Church to read the Rutland Result and a Letter from Lancaster.  N.B. Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlain brought me two living Ducks to keep.  At Eve Mr. Nathaniel Whitney here to ask me whether if they should gather but a small part of the Money due to me from the North Side, among them in their South Neighbourhood, I would give a Receipt in full?  (They having heard from Lieutenant Tainter that I would.)  I told him I was not ready to make any direct answer to it.

[1]Nathan Stone of Southborough.

[2]The daughter of Captain John Tainter.

November 13, 1748

1748 November 13 (Sunday).  Read the ninth of Genesis and preach’d on Mat. 22.37.38.  Administer’d the Lords Supper.  Deacon Newton, old Mrs. Tomlin and Mrs. Patience Woods din’d here.  P.M. read ninth of Matthew.  Preach’d on Mat. 25.46, last part.  Deacon Newton requested the Church before the Congregation to excuse him from the service of Delegate, and nominated Brother Baker, but no sooner was the Matter propos’d than Ensign Bruce objected and said it was not according to Custom to propose such Things before the Congregation.  I gave him the Reason — viz. it was So late and Cold — but immediately I stopp’d the Church, and then dispatch’d it.  I perceiv’d afterwards that Lieutenant had some Disgust with the Captain about their Military proceedings.

November 15, 1748

1748 November 15 (Tuesday).  Bright fine Day.  Captain Baker and Ensign Miller accompany’d me to Lancaster to the Installment of Mr. Timothy Harrington.[1]  We din’d at Mr. Nathan Balls.  I lodg’d at Colonel Willards.[2]  Mr. Maccarty[3] my Bedfellow.

[1]The minister of Lancaster, 1748-1795.

[2]Aaron Willard of Lancaster.

[3]The Reverend Mr. Thaddeus Maccarty of Worcester.

November 16, 1748

1748 November 16 (Wednesday).  The Council form’d at Captain Willards.  Mr. Hancock[1] Moderator and pray’d.  Mr. Harrington was examin’d by Mr. Loring respecting his principles.  Mr. Storer[2] pray’d publickly.  Mr. Hancock preach’d on 1 Cor. 9.19.  Mr. Loring[3] gave the Charge, Mr. Gardner[4] pray’d after it; and Mr. Appleton[5] the right Hand of Fellowship.  Were entertain’d at the Colonels and at his son’s.  At Eve visited Madam Prentice[6] and the Doctor,[7] but lodg’d as Last.  Mr. Trowbridge[8] of Groton lodg’d with me.

[1]John Hancock of Lexington;

[2]Seth Storer of Watertown.

[3]Israel Loring of Sudbury.

[4]John Gardner of Stow.

[5]Nathaniel Appleton of Cambridge.

[6]The widow of the Reverend Mr. John Prentice.

[7]Stanton Prentice, the physician of Lancaster.

[8]The Reverend Mr. Caleb Trowbridge.

November 19, 1748

1748 November 19 (Saturday).  A very bright moderate Day.  The Earth open yet, and a fine Opportunity to provide for Winter.  N.B. Mr. Stephen Maynard brought me from Major Henchman, a New Folio Bible which the late Mr. Joseph Wheeler presented to the first Church in Westborough to be at the Dispose of the Pastor thereof for the time being.  The price I understand in 20£ old Tenor.  At Eve came Mr. Bridge of Framingham.  Mr. Buckminster[1] is to preach for him.  Mr. Maccarty to go to Rutland, Mr. Martyn to Worcester and tis propos’d I Should preach for Mr. Martyn.

[1]Joseph Buckminster of Rutland.

November 21, 1748

1748 November 21 (Monday).  I rode down to Mr. Cooks Shop.  Was inform’d there that it was proprietors meeting at Marlborough, but I could not go, it being precinct meeting here, about my Support (So they are pleas’d to call it again) and they voted 180£ old Tenor, to be added to the 220£ which they call my Sallery.  Justice Baker brought the Return to me of it and said it was chearfully voted.  And they have voted also to build another Meeting House.  N.B. Mr. Buckminster here.

November 24, 1748

1748 November 24 (Thursday).  I was in a great Deal of Confusion, and my Soul greatly bowed down, so that I was very unprepar’d for the solemnity of the Thanksgiving, and yet through the kind assistance of a gracious God I was mercifully carried through.  But I desire to humble myself before the Lord for my backwardness and unpreparedness; and may the Blood of the Great Saviour make Atonement!  I preach’d on Ps. 17.43.  O might I have the Grace wisely to observe the divine Dispensations towards the Children of Men, and might I come to understand and not only Speculatively, but Experimentally and sensibly the Loving Kindness of the Lord!  We invited Mr. Daniel Warrin (of the other precinct) and his wife and desir’d him to bring not only his wife but his Children to our House but none of them came.  Rebecca Warrin was at our Table.  At Eve Thomas Winchester was marry’d to Mary Pratt.[1]

[1]Of Grafton.

November 25, 1748

1748 November 25 (Friday).  Mrs. Brigham grows worse — her son Levi came in the Morning to call Me.  I went — convers’d with her, and pray’d (as I did also when I visited her on the 22).  N.B. Mr. Benjamin Carryll here with the Petitions of his Brother in Law David Woodwell for a Contribution that he may be able to redeem his Daughter from the Hands of the Indians.  At Eve came Mr. Jonathan Green and Mr. James Eager, sons in law to the late Mr. Joseph Wheeler, and approving of the Bible which Major Henchman had provided and sent, they presented it to the First Church in this Town according to the Tenor of the Testament of the Deceased; which I thankfully receiv’d of them in behalf of the Church.

November 27, 1748

1748 November 27 (Sunday).  Read Gen. 11 and preach’d on Mat. 25.46, latter part.  P.M. read (the first Time in the Great Bible) Mat. 11. and repeated Some of my brief Sketches on the Mediator from Heb. 12.24.  N.B. A Nuisance from the Gallery over my Pew — Tobacco Spittle druling down upon my Daughter Mollys Hand.  Read to the Congregation the petition of David Woodwell of Hopkinton.  Molly and I visited old Mrs. Brigham at the Eve.

November 28, 1748

1748 November 28 (Monday).  Mr. Chapin[1] from Grafton din’d here.  Shews me a Letter which they had prepar’d to send to Mr. Hutchinson:[2] he wants to have the Neighbouring Ministers also to write to him; whereas I conceiv’d ‘em to be fervent enough themselves he insisted upon it — but I finally refus’d.  P.M. Mr. Martyn here.

[1]Benjamin Chapin.

[2]Aaron Hutchinson, who was to become the minister of Grafton.