1748 October 1 (Saturday). Cold Day. Mr. Breck and Ballantine proceeded for Boston. Dr. Gott din’d here. P.M. Mr. Edwards Whipple brought home my young Cattle which came from Nichewoag: and receiv’d a Letter from the Church of Rutland to go to Council there. My many avocations greatly perplex me. May the Lord graciously Commiserate all my state!
Month: October 1748
October 2, 1748
1748 October 2 (Sunday). I was in very dull and Lifeless Frame especially a.m. Read the third Chapter of Genesis in the Assembly. Repeated sermon on 1 Cor. 10.16 from page 9 to page 15. Administer’d the ordinance of the Lords Supper. Divers Southborough people here. Deacon Forbush sick. Mr. Jonathan Whipple Waited in his stead; and he and the widow Woods din’d with me. P.M. read the third of Matthew. Preach’d on Mark 9.44, carrying on the subject of the Grand Result of the Last Day.
October 3, 1748
1748 October 3 (Monday). Ebenezer carting apples to Mr. Hows[1] mill. Aaron Warrin hir’d into the House to make Shooes. Mrs. Josselyn here with a quarter of young Mutton. She din’d with us. At Evening in a Private Manner Rebecca Hicks[2] was marry’d to Mr. Elijah Warrin. We had a small supper. They lodg’d here. God grant they may be both espoused to one Husband, the Lord Jesus Christ! And may we all be ready for the midnight Cry, and the Coming of the Bridegroom!
[1]Neighbour Hezekiah How.
[2]The daughter of John Hicks of Sutton.
October 4, 1748
1748 October 4 (Tuesday). Aaron Warrin works here. My wife began to still Cyder, having borrow’d a large Iron Pott of Mr. Eliezer Rice for that Purpose. P.M. I rode to Mr. Daniel Warrins to see his brother in law Abraham Bond who is sick at a Fever. Was at Mr. Knowltons who was very kind favouring me with Rie meal and a Quarter of Mutton which I brought home with me for we had great need of them being in hopes of divers Hands tomorrow to gather and husk my Corn — and had no Body that I could send so far to mill as Mr. Drury’s.
October 5, 1748
1748 October 5 (Wednesday). My Wife stilling. Aaron Warrin at work. Benjamin Tainter only came to gathering Corn a.m. Some others p.m. viz. Neighbours Edwards Whipple, Joseph Green junior, Thomas Whipple, Mr. Elijah Warrin. I visited Deacon Forbush who is ill but not bad, has Erisypilas Fever. Several Hands came in the Evening to Husk, but it had rain’d so in the afternoon that they had gather’d but part of the Corn, and the Company chose to come again. There were about eleven.
October 6, 1748
1748 October 6 (Thursday). I visited the widow Warrin who is very low, as it likewise Jonathan Warrin. My wife and I rode over to Mr. Martyns. I preach’d his Lecture on Song 2.4. At Eve Rain. Some Number of Hands dropp’d in till into the Evening and some of them had gather’d more Corn, but the south Field yet to gather. But neither did they incline to husk this night. I taught ‘em something about singing. Aaron Warrin here.
October 7, 1748
1748 October 7 (Friday). Rainy. Aaron Warrin makes a pair of shooes for Bekky. Rainy. Disappoint’d of gathering the rest of my Corn. A Letter from the Church of Grafton, signed by Deacon Merriam, desiring me to assist in a Fast there, in concurrance with Reverend Messrs. Hall and Maccarty on the 13th instant. Towards Evening Storm clear’d off.
October 8, 1748
1748 October 8 (Saturday). Ebenezer gathering more of winter apples. The Bridegroom (Mr. Elijah Warrin) came at Eve.
October 9, 1748
1748 October 9 (Sunday). Preach’d all Day on Mat. 25, 46 former part. May God most merciful and gracious add his almighty Blessing to render the word Effectual to the awakening of every one! Read a.m. fourth of Genesis. P.M. the fourth of Matthew. Mr. Daniel Forbush’s wife din’d with us. The Widow Warrin dy’d last night. This is the Third out of the Four who were Sick in that (now) very desolate House.
October 10, 1748
1748 October 10 (Monday). Aaron Warrin at Work in making Shooes. The Bridegroom and Bride having kept Sabbath here together were preparing to go to Sutton when Brother Hicks came, Supposing me to be going to Cambridge. But because of Mrs. Warrins Funeral, and because of the other sick persons among us I deferr’d it. Brother Hicks and his Children went from us. P.M. at the Funeral. N.B. several young men turned away from the procession and came up to help Ebenezer in gathering my Corn, viz. Abraham Batchellor, Phinehas Maynard and several more. 32 persons assisted in Husking. Finish’d the work by about 10 o’Clock. After Supper we Sung latter part of Ps. 4 and pray’d before the Company went off.
October 11, 1748
1748 October 11 (Tuesday). Preparing a sermon a.m. on Jer. 3.15 for Grafton Fast. P.M. I din’d with the South Company Officers — Lieutenant Bruce[1] had the Command by Means of Captain Bakers[2] being engag’d as one of the Referrees upon the Case of Messrs. Nurse[3] and Cook.[4] The other Referrees Captain Eager[5] and Lieutenant Hezikiah Ward the other Two. In my returning home at Eve went in to old Mr. Maynards to See Neverson Warrin (son of Daniel from Watertown) who is very ill and much Swell’d and convuls’d. He was about House in the forenoon, but has not been well this fortnight.
[1]Abijah Bruce.
[2]Edward Baker.
[3]William Nurse.
[4]Cornelius Cook.
[5]James Eager.
October 12, 1748
1748 October 12 (Wednesday). Was call’d up as soon as ‘twas Light to go down to Neverson Warrin, who dy’d while I was present. He was in his Eleventh Year. Mr. Hezikiah Pratt afforded me the help of his Boy Cornelius Cook and his Team to get up the Corn from the barn. Ebenezer and Cornelius hard at it all Day. Aaron Warrin making Ebenezer a pair of German Pumps Monday and to Day. Mr. Daniel Bond here from Watertown and bought me a Specimen of 3 Sorts of Cornet Bright Apples. My wife p.m. rode over to Mr. Seth Rice’s.
October 13, 1748
1748 October 13 (Thursday). Rainy morning. Mr. Ballantine came. It held up and I left him to go to Grafton Fast. I sat in the Pulpit sometime waiting for Mr. Hall and Maccarty. At length I began with Prayer. Mr. Maccarty came and preach’d from Hebrew. Follow Peace etc. We were entertain’d at Serjeant James Whipples. P.M. Mr. Hall pray’d and I preach’d from Song 1.7.8. At Evening return’d. Mr. Edwards Whipple accompany’d me. We call’d at Mr. Winchesters[1] — Mr. Goddard[2] of Grafton there, who with Mrs. Winchester was in Defence of Separatists.
[1]Benjamin Winchester.
[2]Benjamin Goddard.
October 14, 1748
1748 October 14 (Friday). Neverson Warrins Buryal. My Interruption very great.
October 15, 1748
1748 October 15 (Saturday). Jonathan Warrins Buryal. Deaths so oft — we had need take warning. At Evening came Cousen Samuel Proctor from Boston, his Brother Joseph his Company but went to Captain Maynards.
October 16, 1748
1748 October 16 (Sunday). A.M. repeated on Eccl. 9.12. P.M. preach’d on Act 16.29.30. Read a.m. the fifth of Genesis and p.m. the fifth of Matthew. Both Procters din’d and supp’d here, but Mr. Joseph would lodge at Captain Maynards. He left a Bill which we found to be 40 shillings old Tenor.
October 17, 1748
1748 October 17 (Monday). The Procters sett out for Sutton. Ebenezer began to make our late Cyder. I rode to Mr. Josselyns who kindly lent me 20£ old Tenor. I proceeded on my Journey to Watertown. Rain’d at Eve. Was at Cornet Brights to see his Pippins and other rich Fruit. I design’d for Cambridge but it rain’d so hard I turn’d back to Mr. Daniel Bonds and lodg’d there.
October 18, 1748
1748 October 18 (Tuesday). In the Morning I visited Mr. Storer. Went to Cambridge to Brother Champneys — din’d there. We went over to sisters Lydia and Barrett. Read Mothers Will in which gives her Cloths to sister Hannah and makes sister Lydia Executrix, but She Refuses to Stand or have the will till she knows what the Debts amount to. I rode to Boston. Put up at Procters.[1] Was at Mr. Fletchers who paid me 140£ old Tenor for Brother Champney. Lodg’d at Brother Samuels.
[1]Parkman’s niece, Mrs. Samuel Proctor.
October 19, 1748
1748 October 19 (Wednesday). Broke fast at Hearsys.[1] Din’d at Cowels.[2] Visited my Neece Lydia Tyley now Davis.[3] Was at Mr. Olivers — his Father and Mother etc. there. At Eve at Mr. Owens and at Mr. Quincys.[4] Lodg’d at Brother Williams.
[1]Another niece, Mrs. Israel Hearsey.
[2]Another niece, Mrs. Peam Cowell.
[3]Robert Davis.
[4]Edmund Quincy.
October 20, 1748
1748 October 20 (Thursday). Mr. Barnard[1] of Marblehead the public Lecture on Rom. 5.12. Din’d at Dr. Sewals: who shew’d me Mr. Moorheads[2] Letter in Defence of himself against Mr. Buckminster.[3] P.M. at Deacon Bouteneau’s Garden. At Eve rode over the Neck with Mr. Dunbar. I proceeded to Cambridge. Visited Deacon Sparhawk whose Wife is much disordered. Lodg’d at Brother Champneys.
[1]The Reverend Mr. John Barnard.
[2]John Moorehead, minister of the Arlington Street Church (Presbyterian), Boston, 1730-1773.
[3]The Reverend Mr. Joseph Buckminster of Rutland. Someone of the Rutland church complained that the Reverend Mr. Moorehead “has lately done great Mischief in this Place, by making Separations and Contentions among us.” He “continues his wicked dividing work; and as we hear, intends to administer the Lord’s Supper to his separate Company next Sabbath.” Boston Evening-Post, Supplement, Sept. 19, 1748.
October 21, 1748
1748 October 21 (Friday). The Heirs of Mother Champney together and we made Computations among ourselves and agreed. Sister Lydia took administrations (not in form of Law) and gave us Security. I din’d at Brother Barretts.[1] After I had drawn the writings I smok’d a pipe with Judge Danforth[2] for his approbation. Past 3 p.m. I undertook my Journey. Got to Mr. Bridge’s[3] at Framingham and lodg’d there.
[1]Parkman’s brother-in-law, John Barrett.
[2]Samuel Danforth of Cambridge.
[3]The Reverend Mr. Matthew Bridge.
October 22, 1748
1748 October 22 (Saturday). Mr. Bridge rode with me as far as Mr. David Bruce’s — talk’d with his wife (heretofore Hannah Pierce) being under the Frowns of the Southborough Church. I din’d at Colonel Williams[1] at Marlborough. P.M. found my family in Peace. D.G. Rebecca Gott[2] came to live here on the 20th instant. Ebenezer finish’d making Cyder, in all 18 Barrells.
[1]Abraham Williams, Parkman’s brother-in-law.
[2]Daughter of Dr. Benjamin Gott of Marlborough.
October 23, 1748
1748 October 23 (Sunday). Preach’d a.m. on Acts 16.29.30. P.M. on 10.31 but repeated part sermon on John 3.36. Mr. Samuel Crosby and Mrs. Tainter din’d here.
October 24, 1748
1748 October 24 (Monday). Mr. Graves[1] Messenger from the Church of Southborough here without Mr. Stone,[2] his eldest son being ill of the Throat Distemper. Captain Baker and Ensign Miller came (as Delegates of our Church) and we went to Rutland. On the way din’d at Mr. Cushings,[3] and stopp’d again at Captain Biglo’s.[4] Got up in Comfort and lodg’d at Mr. Buckminsters. The Council was call’d on account of uneasiness and irregularitys among some of the Brethren, particularly Messrs. Samuel Stone, and Simon Davis. John Stone also and Jones were join’d therein; and on account of the Conduct of a Number of Ireland[5] people who were members of the Church in Rutland; but without Dismission or acquainting the Church with it, drew off and join’d with others who Sett up another Assembly in the Town by the assistance of Mr. Moorhead.
[1]Joseph Graves.
[2]The Reverend Mr. Nathan Stone of Southborough.
[3]The Reverend Mr. Job Cushing.
[4]Joseph Bigelow, a selectman of Shrewsbury.
[5]Ulster Presbyterians.
October 25, 1748
1748 October 25 (Tuesday). The Council was form’d. I was their unwritten Moderator. Mr. Hall of Sutton was Clerk. We went to the Meeting House a.m. I opened the Meeting with prayer. We read the Paper of Grounds of uneasiness which Samuel Stone had exhibited to the Church some time ago. Great Debate whether that Paper should be the beginning of our Business in Hearing. Mr. Buckminster chiefly took up the Time. Mr. Williams[1] of Weston pray’d when we broke up this session at Night.
[1]William Williams.
October 26, 1748
1748 October 26 (Wednesday). Mr. Campbell[1] pray’d at the opening the forenoon session. Mr. Samuel Stone chiefly this forenoon, with his Friends. We were again in hearing p.m. giving fair opportunity to the Irish etc. to answer if they pleas’d. Evening Mr. Hall pray’d, when we had adjourn’d to Mr. Buckminsters where we sat again the Same Night till very late — Reading over, debating and Voting — and appointing a Committee to draw up a Result. The Committee were the Reverend Messrs. Williams, Hall and Eaton.
[1]John Campbell of Oxford.
October 27, 1748
1748 October 27 (Thursday). We were not ready with the Result till late p.m., for another Affair arose before us — viz. a Quarrell between Captain Edward Rice and Deacon Eleazer Ball. A Number of the Council went to the Meeting House to assist the Church in reconciling those Brethren — but in Vain. At Evening about Sunsett we went to the Meeting House and publish’d our Result partly by Daylight and partly by Candle. N.B. Captain Baker and Ensign Miller were dismiss’d to go home. The Church voted Acceptance of the Result. The Stones thank’d us for our Pains and promis’d to Consider of what was done, and in the Mean Time to return to Mr. Buckminster’s administrations.[1] But this was not the Conduct of the Irish. We were late up with the Affair of the Captain and the Deacon.
[1]The Presbyterian minister of Boston, John Moorehead, had charged that Buckminster was not orthodox in his Calvinism. This council found him orthodox and called the Presbyterians “unchristian and disorderly.” Sibley, X, 34.9.
October 28, 1748
1748 October 28 (Friday). And Next Morning but without Effect though we sat upon it p.m. also; and till toward Night. The Council appointed a Committee to hear it, viz. Mr. Campbell and myself, with Colonel Larnard, Mr. Brown of Leicester, and Esquire Baker, and then we adjourn’d without Day. It was so late and Misty that Mr. Buckminster and others from Time to Time earnestly requesting it, I stay’d; and Mr. Williams and I visited Mr. Frink in the Evening. I would not utterly forget the important Transactions of this Day 24 Years ago when I was solemnly Ordain’d. The Lord Grant me forgiveness of my many Defects; and make me Wise and Thankful!
October 29, 1748
1748 October 29 (Saturday). A very rainy Night and Morning. But Mr. Buckminster went to Westborough and both Mr. Williams and I stay’d at Rutland.
October 30, 1748
1748 October 30 (Sunday). I preach’d at Rutland a.m. on 2 Cor. 3.14.15. Mr. Williams p.m. on Phil. Mr. Buckminster at Westborough on [blank]. Sundry people came to Mr. Buckminster at Eve. Mr. Frink, Captain Howard etc.
October 31, 1748
1748 October 31 (Monday). Mr. Williams and I (who had all this Time lodg’d together) rode together to Holden. Old Mr. Clark my old irish Neighbour Scourg’d us. Call’d at Mr. Davis’s.[1] Mr. Williams to Lancaster. Mr. Phelps my Company to Shrewsbury. I visited Mr. D. Warrin of Shrewsbury and his wife who were very sick and low, the latter especially. Got to my Family in safety — blessed by God for his great Goodness! But we are under Affliction by my wife’s Lameness, which came only by a little Scratch in her Ankle. Found Mr. Pierpoint from New Haven at my House.
[1]The Reverend Mr. Joseph Davis of Holden.