September 23, 1746

1746 September 23 (Tuesday).  Mr. Benjamin Eager, Colonel Nahum Wards Messenger, comes Express amongst us and tells me that a French Fleet were yesterday within half a Days Sail of the Light House, and a Post came to the Colonel for 500 Men out of this Regiment — and I hear that 36 are requir’d out of this Company.  We were going to plough with Lieutenant Forbush’s Cattle but I sent them back again: and Ebenezer to Sutton.  Bekky[1] borrow’d an Horse and went to Sutton also.  It is a Day of great Trouble and Distress in all likelihood at Boston; and God only knows how Soon it may be among our Selves.  May we all be suitably Prepar’d for the Divine Will in all Things!  P.M. Catechetical Exercise, but 13 present.  I read to ‘em sermon on Hos. 4.12.  At Eve I was very faint, and my feverishness greatly increas’d — but I bestir’d myself what I could.  Took up an Hive of Bees.  Was as chearfull as I could in Conversation.  Lieutenant Aaron Forbush from Brookfield, Neighbor Ebenezer Maynard, here.  But my illness increas’d.  I had no stomach, nor much rest all night — but beg Grace to enable me to repose my Self in God.

[1]Rebecca Hicks, Mr. Parkman’s niece.