April 27, 1744

1744 April 27 (Friday).  I rode to Grafton — Call’d at Mr. James Harringtons and at Ensign Jonathan Halls, but went up to Mr. Wheelers to See whether upon his Seeing what Testimonys I had to prove that he had acknowledg’d his Fornication with Lydia Pratt he would not humble himself, but he was for having me go on and prove what I could.  I was mov’d with Pity towards him especially Considering he was under great Trouble already by Means of Mr. Weld of Uptons prosecuting him in the Law in an action of £1000 for his wife’s Defamation, but my Discourse avail’d Nothing, though I stay’d with him and din’d also and strove every Way to gain him.  I rode to Mr. Prentice’s and after some Time came Colonel Nahum Ward as I had requested.  I told Mr. Prentice how much rather I chose to have Wheeler labour’d with in private and that he would prevent public Ecclesiastical process.  The Pastor and Brethren repair’d to the Meeting House, open’d their meeting and then adjourn’d for 1/4 hour that such Brethren as were so inclin’d might come with Wheeler to me.  Several came.  Essays were made to bring him to acknowledgement but in Vain.  They return’d to Meeting and being requested by the Church to go to them I accordingly went, read and gave in a Written Testimony of what I heard Mr. Wheeler Say.  Then gave them what I had receiv’d from Deacon Miriam.  After those Two Evidences Jason Whitney and James Harrington being sworn before Colonel Ward, gave in theirs.  After various Questions put as the Brethren Saw Cause, and Conference with Wheeler and us who were Witnesses the meeting was adjourh’d to Thursday next 4 p.m.  At Mr. Prentice’s request I pray’d at breaking up.  Colonel Ward went home but it having been rainy, and now very damp, cold and Late I ventur’d not but lodg’d at Mr. Prentice’s.  Thomas Winchester broke yesterday and this morning by going to look of Land nigh his Fathers.