April 12, 1744

1744 April 12 (Thursday).  Publick Fast.  On Isa. 66.2.  P.M. much Spent by that Time I began my afternoon sermon which was a carrying on the Same subject, but I improv’d part of my sermon on Zech. 12.10, viz. from page 43 and on.  After Exercises Thankful Rice’s[1] Confession read and she was restor’d.  Committee from the Young Mens society acquainted me that they had receiv’d satisfaction and made up their Difference concerning which they were with me some Evenings since.  The Committee also touching Mr. Cornelius Cooks[2] affair were with me at my Desire, because Mr. Cook Seem’d not to conform (a[s] I judg’d) to what the Committee had brought me from him, as his Confession.  Alas! how dull and dry, how weak and worthless in the service of God and how unable to lead the people of God or profit them on such Days as this!

[1]Wife of Josiah Rice.  The Westborough church records reveal that Mrs. Rice “offer’d an humble and voluntary Confession of her sin of Drinking to Excess.”

[2]The Westborough blacksmith got into various troubles.  At this time he was charged with “profane swearing.”