April 3, 1744

1744 April 3 (Tuesday).  To Boston.  My Kinsman confin’d for Months past.  I think ever since the 22d of last October and not able to go out of his Chamber yet.  My aged Mother there with him to be Company for him.  Pito carry’d back my Horse to Cambridge.  N.B. Cousen Proctor[1] and Bradshaw[2] from Stoughton happen’d to be now at Boston.  At Lecture this Evening at the New North.  Mr. Prince preach’d on Cant. 5.16.  A very excellent usefull moving sermon.  I beg of God  I may not loose the Savour of it.  After Sermon I was at Mr. Eliots,[3] where was my Brother Peabody[4] of Natick.  Lodg’d as usual at my Kinsmans.

[1]Parkman’s niece, Hannah, married Samuel Proctor.

[2]Sarah, sister of Hannah Proctor, married John Bradshaw.

[3]Rev. Andrew Eliot, minister of the New North Church, Boston.

[4]Rev. Oliver Peabody.