July 27, 1742

1742 July 27 (Tuesday).  Thomas got home one Load with Mr. Whipples help.  Mary Joslin[1] dyed yesterday and her Brother Isaac[2] to Day of the Throat Distemper.  They sent for me but I was not at home, neither would my Affairs permitt me to go when I did get home — my Rye and Wheat upon Spoil I was obliged to look up a Reaper.

[1]Mary Joslin, b. Nov. 9, 1726, daughter of Joseph and Catharine Joslin; d. July 26, 1742. WVR, 66, 245.

[2]Isaac Joslin, bapt. June 21, 1730, daughter of Joseph and Catharine Joslin; d. July 27, 1742; WVR, 66, 245.