July 1, 1742

1742 July 1 (Thursday).  A pleasant Day and no Rain.  Thomas has ploughed among the Corn for Hilling — the Corn having grown wonderfully, and some Time agoe it was beginning to Spindle out.  A most remarkably forward Season.  I rode over to Hopkinton and Isaac How being yet alive and an assembly gathered (at the House of Mr. Josiah Rice),[1] I preached there, on 1 Tim.1.15, followed with a moving and awakening address to the poor dying man; who seemed to take it in Some Suitable Manner to outward appearance but I fear he has not really an apprehension of his astonishing Danger but is in a false Peace.  The assembly were very attentive and Some Number affected.  N.B. one Nutt a young woman with me after Exercise — Mr. Gibbs — and Several others of whom Mr. Benjamin Burnap[2] was one and he rode with me some way back.  My Folks have now had some success in getting in Hay that had been long out.

[1]Josiah Rice (1700-1792) of Westborough.

[2]Benjamin Burnap Sr. of Hopkinton was elected deacon of the Hopkinton church, 1725; Harold Field Worthley, Inventory of the Records of the Particular (Congregational) Churches of Massachusetts Gathered 1620-1805 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1970), 298.

July 5, 1742

1742 July 5 (Monday).  Mr. Biglo came to work — to mow with Thomas Winchester.  I rode down to Watertown.  In my Journey I was at Mr. David Hows and dined gratis.  Received a Message from Mr. William Brintnall that Mr. Swift desired me (as Mr. Loring had before done) to preach to a Society made up of Several Familys in both Framingham and Sudbury.  N.B. hindered and belated by showers.  N.B. Mr. Seccomb[1] and Mr. Goss[2] upon the Road in Sudbury.  I called to see my Friend Dr. Ebenezer Roby in his sorrowful bereaved State.  We called also at Mr. Williams’s at Weston.  At Watertown to shelter me from a sudden shower I run in to Capt. Homans, with whom I was utterly unacquainted but was treated with great Humanity.  Went to Mr. Jenisons and lodged there.

[1]John Seccomb (1708-1792), Harvard 1728, minister of Harvard, 1733-1757, Chester, Nova Scotia, 1759-1792.  SHG 8:481-90.

[2]Thomas Goss (1716-1780), Harvard 1737, minister at Bolton, 1741-1777; Bolton Second Church, 1771-1780; SHG, 10:175-85.

July 6, 1742

1742 July 6 (Tuesday).  Rode to F. Champneys where Molly has been for several Days, and is out of Health.  Rode to Charlestown.  Made a Visit to Mr. Davenport[1] who kept at Major Jenners’s.  Proceeded to Boston and waited on my honoured aged Mother  who through God’s great Mercy is yet alive and in Some Comfort.  But I first of all (at this Time) visited my Bereaved Brother William who lately buryed his dear Daughter Elizabeth of above 20 Years of Age — of any ingenuous Temper and of a pious Disposition.  Dyed with a good hope through Grace.  I bought Several more Small Books of Mrs. Greenwood.  Returned to Cambridge at Night.  N.B. Samme Breck[2] much out of Health — wasted by a bad Cough etc.

[1]James Davenport (1716-1757), Yale 1732, minister at Southold, Long Island, 1738-1743; New London separatist church, 1743-1744; Hopewell, New Jersey; DYG, 1:447-50.

[2]Parkman’s brother-in-law, Samuel Breck (1723-1764), Harvard 1742; SHG, 11:131-32.

July 8, 1742

1742 July 8 (Thursday).  I rode to Boston.  Mr. Hooper’s public Lecture on 1 Joh. 5.3.  Dined at Brother Alexanders.  P.M. I was at Dr. Chauncys — where was Mr. Barnard of Marblehead and his Lady.  Afterwards came Mr. Hooper and Mr. Malcolm[1] (Episcopal Minister of Marblehead).  The Conversation turned upon Mr. Davenport, who is the Subject every where.  But few among the wise and worthy but that judge he is touched in his Brain.  Mr. Malcolm and I walked down to the North End and up Snow Hill to hear him.  There had been a Thunder Storm, and there were little Showers in Time of Exercise.  His Sermon was from Rev. 22.17, a very fervent Exhortation and to unconverted Ministers in Special.  Said he was then in the Experience of the Divine Spirits influences.  Said he was then ready to drop down dead for the Salvation if but of one Soul etc.  After Sermon a Considerable Number of Ministers went to Mr. Webbs, who gave us an account of the Disorders in that neighborhood last Night by people’s being So late at Mr. Proctors (where Mr. D________t lodges and which is right over against Mr. Webbs) and he also informed us of his Discourse with Mr. D________t this Morning, Concerning his Conduct and Actions (in running out into the Street among the Croud and crying out to them in an indecent voice, Gesture etc.) but to no purpose, he Supposing himself to be under the Immediate Impressions and Directions of the Divine Spirit.  In a word Mr. Webb concludes him to be crazed.  I rode to Cambridge after nine o’Clock.

[1]Alexander Malcolm, Rector at St. Michael’s Church (Anglican), Marblehead, 1740-1749; Weis, Colonial Clergy, 132.

July 9, 1742

1742 July 9 (Friday).  I rode to Framingham, to Mr. Brintnalls, where I dined.  I preached according to appointment at Mr. Darlings; Text Luk. 10.19.  People very thankful and Courteous.  Mr. Mansfield[1] (Shooemaker at Marlborough) accompanyed me part of the way up.  Got home safely, through the Great Goodness of God.  Billy ill most of the week of Fever and Flux.  N.B. Mr. Barrett and his sister Barrett, his wifes sister Everett and his son came to Mr. Wilsons while I was there.

[1]Mansfield, shoemaker of Marlborough; this is Parkman’s only reference to him in the entire diary.  Two births are recorded in the church records but without the parents’ first names: Mary, bapt. Feb. 27, 1743, and Hannah, bapt. Feb. 10, 1745; MVR, 126.

July 13, 1742

1742 July 13 (Tuesday).  I went down to Mr. Joslins to See his Daughter Mary[1] and his little son Timothy[2] who were sick of the Throat Distemper.[3]  I visited also old Mrs. Forbush who had been ill.  <Two lines crossed out.>

[1]Mary, daughter of Joseph and Catharine Joslin, b. Nov. 26, d. July 26, 1742; WVR, 66, 245.

[2]Timothy, son of Joseph and Catharine Joslin, b. June 30, 1737; d. July 19, 1742; WVR, 66, 245.


July 14, 1742

1742 July 14 (Wednesday).  Mr. Bliss to preach at Hopkinton but by reason of the Childs illness and other Things I could not go over, as Mr. Barrett had requested.  Mr. Breck came and lodged.  Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlain[1] here in the Evening with great Quantity of Sauce to present us.

[1]Ebenezer Chamberlain was admitted to the Westborough church, June 3, 1736, having been dismissed from the Newton church; WCR, 41.

July 19, 1742

1742 July 19 (Monday).  Rode down to Capt. Warrins to see Miriam Fisk, their Maid, who was Sick and in much pain: to Mr. Joslins four of whose Children are sick of the Throat Distemper.  N.B. Dr. Gott at Capt. Warrins.  At my Return he was at our House to see Billy; and dined with us.  Thomas at the Meadow.  Timothy Joslin of 5 Years dyed of the Throat Distemper.

July 25, 1742

1742 July 25 (Sunday).  On 1 Thess. 5.19.  2 Cor. 2.15.16.  N.B. Mr. Barretts son[1] and his wifes sister (Mrs. Everett) and Lieutenant Whood and his wife at Meeting here and dined with us, Mr. Barrett being gone to Boston to his Mothers Funeral.  N.B. Mr. Jacob Amsdens wife came to Meeting, who has never been at the public Worship till now ever since I was first in this Town.

[1]Samuel Barrett, son of Rev. Samuel Barrett, minister of Hopkinton, was b. Sept. 10, 1726; SHG, 6:432.  The minister’s wife was Anna Morris of Boston; ibid., 429.

July 27, 1742

1742 July 27 (Tuesday).  Thomas got home one Load with Mr. Whipples help.  Mary Joslin[1] dyed yesterday and her Brother Isaac[2] to Day of the Throat Distemper.  They sent for me but I was not at home, neither would my Affairs permitt me to go when I did get home — my Rye and Wheat upon Spoil I was obliged to look up a Reaper.

[1]Mary Joslin, b. Nov. 9, 1726, daughter of Joseph and Catharine Joslin; d. July 26, 1742. WVR, 66, 245.

[2]Isaac Joslin, bapt. June 21, 1730, daughter of Joseph and Catharine Joslin; d. July 27, 1742; WVR, 66, 245.

July 29, 1742

1742 July 29 (Thursday).  Capt. Goddard called to acquaint me with the Sorrowful News of the Death of the Rev. and worthy Mr. James Stone[1] of Holliston, who dyed yesterday and to be buryed to day.  O that God would make this providence awakening to Me and to all, especially in the Ministry round about!  O that we might take Heed to the Ministry which we have received of the Lord to fulfill it!  for Blessed is that servant etc.!

[1]James Stone (1704-1742), Harvard 1724, minister at Holliston, 1728-1742; SHG, 7:442-44.

July 30, 1742

1742 July 30 (Friday).  Signs of Rain in a dry Time.  Mr. Biglo and Pierce reaping my Rye and John Rogers at the Meadow with Thomas.  They brought home one Load but got mired with the next, broke the Axle tree, and therefore left the Load and raked and Cocked the rest.  A Terrible Storm of Thunder and Sharp Lightning, vehement wind and Rain at Evening but God was gracious and almighty to preserve us.

July 31, 1742

1742 July 31 (Saturday).  Heard that a Barn of Mr. Gleson of Sudbury was burnt by the Lightning last Night in which was a good Quantity of English Hay and Grain: and that Four Cattle were killed at Framingham.  Thomas brought home a Load of Hay from the Meadow and got in our Rye.  N.B. The Hay (being the last) at the Meadow all Secured.  N.B. Mr. Helyer[1] from Boston here, on his Journey to preach at Grafton.  N.B. a refreshing Shower to Day also.  I rode to Southborough and Mr. Stone to Westborough at Eve.

[1]Jonathan Helyer (1719-1745), Harvard 1738, minister of the First Congregational Church, Newport, Rhode Island, 1744-1745; SHG, 10:294-95.