1742 July 1 (Thursday). A pleasant Day and no Rain. Thomas has ploughed among the Corn for Hilling — the Corn having grown wonderfully, and some Time agoe it was beginning to Spindle out. A most remarkably forward Season. I rode over to Hopkinton and Isaac How being yet alive and an assembly gathered (at the House of Mr. Josiah Rice),[1] I preached there, on 1 Tim.1.15, followed with a moving and awakening address to the poor dying man; who seemed to take it in Some Suitable Manner to outward appearance but I fear he has not really an apprehension of his astonishing Danger but is in a false Peace. The assembly were very attentive and Some Number affected. N.B. one Nutt a young woman with me after Exercise — Mr. Gibbs — and Several others of whom Mr. Benjamin Burnap[2] was one and he rode with me some way back. My Folks have now had some success in getting in Hay that had been long out.
[1]Josiah Rice (1700-1792) of Westborough.
[2]Benjamin Burnap Sr. of Hopkinton was elected deacon of the Hopkinton church, 1725; Harold Field Worthley, Inventory of the Records of the Particular (Congregational) Churches of Massachusetts Gathered 1620-1805 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1970), 298.