June 27, 1742

1742 June 27 (Sunday).  Matt. and p.m. on Gen. 18.19.  N.B. Mr. Jenison preaches Still on the North side.  Mrs. Tainter and her Daughter Forbush dined with us.  Received a Message from Isaac How[1] of Hopkinton who was in a low Consumption, desiring a visit.

[1]Possibly the Isaac How whose sons Joel and Samuel were baptized in Hopkinton, Mar. 31, 1754 and July 8, 1750; or the Isaac How, husband of Hannah, whose son John was b. Aug. 18, 1731 (HVR, 111-12).  An Isaac How mar. Hannah Howard, Apr., 27, 1727 (Framingham Vital Records, 313).