June 1, 1742

1742 June 1 (Tuesday).  Rode to Worcester.  Dined at Mr. Burrs.  Mr. Campbell[1] there.  We all went to the Jayl to see poor Green the prisoner.  I went in alone to him in the first place hoping for some free discourse with him.  I perceived he was turned over to the principles of Quakerism.  Mr. Campbell and Mr. Burr and a number of other persons came in — the prisoner grew very bold and Said he had the Spirit and that they that have the Spirit have the holy anointing and need not that any one should teach them for they know all Things.  When he depreciated Ordinances as being of no Value, and upon Mr. Burrs asking him whether he would not go out to meeting if he might, had answered that he did not desire it, I insisted upon the Distinction between the Jewish Ordinances and the Institutions of Christ.  He insulted me in an ungrateful manner with telling me I would Defend what got me a good living.  Seeing him in such a Frame Mr. Campbell was urgent for us to go and would  stay no longer with him.  N.B. I fear his frett was in some Measure owing to this, that last  Saturday Several Quakers came to see him but the sheriff denyed them Entrance to him — and although Mr. Burr knew nothing of it till last night yet perhaps it was laid to him as the Adviser to it; for which he might be  offended both with him and with us as Soon as he Saw us.  I returned home at Eve.  Mr. Campbell accompanying as far as Mr. Barbers[2] in Shrewsbury where Mr. Morrison[3] (a Scotch Minister) lay sick.

[1]John Campbell (1691-1761) Edinburgh, 1716, minister at Oxford, 1721-1761; Weis, Colonial Clergy, 49.

[2]Possibly Matthew Barber of Western who mar. Mary Blair, Jan. 31, 1727 (Shrewsbury VR, 123); the birth of one child, Mar. 9, 1728, is in the Shrewsbury VR, 14

[3]Probably Evander Morrison, born in Scotland, d. in Hartford, Jan. 30, 1762; Frederick Lewis Weis, “The Colonial Clergy of the Middle Colonies: New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, 1628-1776,” Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, n.s., 66 (Oct. 1956), 277.  The date of Morrison’s death is from the Diary of Rev. Daniel Wadsworth, Seventh Pastor of the First Church of Christ in Hartford, with Notes by the Fourteenth Pastor (Hartford: Case, Lockwood, & Brainard, 1894), 41 n. 1.