August 6, 1740

1740 August 6 (Wednesday).  A bright Morning, which we have not had this long Time.  I think ever since Thursday last.  Mr. Barrett, going to Shrewsbury, call’d here.  Letter from Mr. Lydius of Albany, informing that the Rices[1] of Canada desire one of their Brethren of New England would go up to Albany and meet them on September 6 next, in order to their making a Visit hither.  Nei[gh]bour Seth Rice[2] here with the Letter, himself under Indispositions.

[1]The story of the captivity of the Rice boys was recorded by Parkman.  See The Story of the Rice Boys (Westborough, 1906).

[2]Son of Edmund Rice of Westborough.

August 11, 1740

1740 August 11 (Monday).  My Wife rode with me to Marlborough.  I visited Colonel Woods[1] who was much indispos’d by Hydropic and Asthmatic Disorders.  I din’d with Mr. Smith, where also din’d Mr. Cushing and Master Loring.  We visited the Colonel after Dinner and were also at the Doctors and at Captain Williams.[2]  While we were at the Captain’s a great storm of Rain arose.  We rode home in the Evening after the Rain.

[1]Benjamin Woods.

[2]Abraham Williams, Parkman’s brother-in-law.

August 17, 1740

1740 August 17 (Sunday).  On Luke 12.21.  Mrs. Bathsheba Pratt,[1] Mrs. Rebecca Warrin,[2] Mrs. Joanna Forbush[3] and Mrs. Sarah Bruce[4] din’d with us.  At Noon I receiv’d a Letter from Mr. Ebenezer Morse[5] to request me to preach at Rutland this Day sennight — Mr. Frink having abdicated, but it must be (by Divine Permission) our Communion Day.  At Eve I sent an answer by Dr. Smith who had been to See Two more of Mr. James Bradish’s Children Sick of the Throat Distemper.  Scil. Jonas and Joseph.

[1]Mrs. John Pratt.

[2]Mrs. Timothy Warrin.

[3]Mrs. Jonathan Forbush, Jr.

[4]Mrs. Thomas Bruce.

[5]Later the minister at Boylston, Mass.

August 25, 1740

1740 August 25 (Monday).  Early in the Morning I visited Mr. Bradish’s Family.  Sarah very low, but Somewhat reviv’d.  I found her Smoaking.  I proceeded therefore on my Journey.  Stopp’d at Mr. Swift’s.  Din’d at Two o’Clock at Cambridge.  Went to Boston.  Ebenezer went to Charlestown to bring back the mare to Cambridge.  Brother Elias weak yet — he had a fitt this Day.

August 26, 1740

1740 August 26 (Tuesday).  The Several Companys of Volunteers for the Expedition against Cuba, quarter’d in Boston, muster’d to Day to receive their Bounty Money from the Province.  Four Companys were compleat in Arms, and five were unprovided.  Din’d at Brother Samuels.  P.M. at Mr. John Brecks.  At Eve at Mr. Keggels, and Supp’d at Brother Alexander’s.

August 27, 1740

1740 August 27 (Wednesday).  Commencement.  Din’d in the Hall.  My Kinsman Elias[1] Receiv’d his Degree, but did not dispute.  Lodg’d at Father Champney’s, and Cousen Elizabeth,[2] Her Brother and Mr. Halyer at Deacon Sparhawks.[3] Sorrowful News of the Death of Mr. Stoddard[4] of Chelmsford, who dy’d in his Well.

[1]Elias Parkman (HC 1737) was the son of Elias Parkman of Boston.  Elias, Jr., became a physician of Boston.  SHG, 10:223-224.

[2]Elizabeth, the daughter of Joseph Champney of Cambridge.

[3]Nathaniel Sparhawk.  Paige, Cambridge, 657.

[4]Rev. Samson Stoddard (HC 1701), minister of Chelmsford, 1706-1740.  SHG, 5:119-122.

August 28, 1740

1740 August 28 (Thursday).  A.M. at Sir Gay’s[1] Chamber where was Mr. Obadiah Ayres,[2] Mr. Samuel Coolidge,[3] etc.  Din’d at Sir Princes[4] Chamber.  P.M. Negro Boys in Masquerade.  Eve at Mr. Rogers.[5]

[1]Samuel Gay (HC 1740).  SHG, 10:496.

[2](HC 1710).  The chaplain of Castle William.  SHG, 5:510-512.

[3](HC 1724).  He was the schoolmaster of Watertown.  SHG, 7:326-331.

[4]Thomas Prince (HC 1740).

[5]Daniel Rogers (HC 1725), a tutor at Harvard College.  SHG, 7:554-560.

August 29, 1740

1740 August 29 (Friday).  Brother Hicks goes to Boston dissatisfy’d about the Managements of the Directors of the Land Bank.  Ebenezer so ill he could not go to Boston as was propos’d, that he might go to School.  I undertook my Journey home.  Call’d at Mr. John Hunts[1] at Watertown (who has lately set up a Still House there).  There I found Mr. Cheney[2] of Brookfield who was riding home also.  We din’d at Mr. Williams’s[3] at Weston where were Mr. Seccomb[4] and Halery[5] of Newton (a young preacher).  At Marlborough We found Colonel Woods in a low State of Health.  Call’d at Dr. Gotts.  Mr. Cheney rode to our House and lodged here.

[1]A Representative.  Bond, Watertown, 304.

[2]Rev. Thomas Cheney.

[3]Rev. William Williams.

[4]Rev. John Seccomb of Harvard, Mass.

[5]Parkman probably meant Jonathan Helyer (HC 1738), who later was minister at Newport.  SHG, 10:294-295.

August 31, 1740

1740 August 31 (Sunday).  On Micah 6.9 and p.m. on Zech. 7.5, preparatory to the Fast which with the Advice of the Deacons of the Church and the Selectmen of the Town I appointed to be on Thursday next.  The persons for whom prayers were ask’d to Day, being Sick of the Throat Distemper were Richard Barns, Hannah (wife of Noah) Rice, Robert Bradish, Miriam Fisk, Abigail Dunton, a child of Thomas Bruce, Four Children at Mr. Gamels.[1]

[1]Samuel Gamel or Gamwell.