October 13, 1768

1768 October 13 (Thursday).  Mr. Moore came a.m., informs of the Death of Mr. Ward at College: newly chose Librarian in his stead.  Called at Mr. Sherman Bellows to see his Wife.  I rode down to Mr. Chamberlins, and marryed David Brigham to his Daughter Martha; but did not stay to dine, for I had promised to return home to my own Company which by this Time were come.  My Sons William and Breck, with Williams Wife came last night.  Mr. Forbes, Mr. Cushing this morning.  Mr. Collins Moore, Messrs. Ballard and Barton and their Wives, Miss Sarah Moore, my son Alexander, came, a.m.  I dined with them though late — nigh 3 o’Clock.  Capt. Maynard and his Wife came.  Mr. Whitney and his Wife, and Sister Martyn likewise.  Towards Eve My Daughter Susanna was marryed to Mr. Moore.  Mr. Whitney prayed first — I delivered the Covenant.  This done, Mr. Forbes prayed.  [Then?] we Sang Dr. Watts’s Imitation of Ps. 45.  After which was a Repast of Cake, Wine etc. but Mr. Whitney, his Wife, and Mrs. Martyn hastened away that they might not be in the night — and Capt. Maynard etc. took 7 of my Company with them to lodge and keep their Horses.  Alexander also went with them and lodged there.  May God accept us in Jesus Christ!  May the New Marryed be Espoused to Him!  And be made rich and lasting Blessings!