November 29, 1778

1778 November 29 (Sunday).  I preached at Southborough on Rev. 22.17 a. and p.m.  May a Divine Power accompany and render the Word effectual, and especially to my own Soul!  At eve I returned home, as did Mr. Stone; who preached for me a. and p.m. on Phil. 2.4.5 which I pray God to bless and prosper!  I brought from Mr. Stone’s Pike and Hayward’s Cases of Conscience.[1]  Sr. Fay, Mrs. Maynard and her Niece, Miss [blank] Witt dined  here.  I had a letter from Rev. Ezra Ripley of Concord, concerning his Ordination etc.

[1]S. Pike and S. Hayward, Some important cases of conscience answered, at the casuistical exercise, on Wednesday evenings, in Little St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate-Street, London (Boston; Green & Russell, 1757; Evans 8009).  Other Boston editions appeared in 1759 and 1760.