1778 August 12 (Wednesday). Previous to his going to Cambridge I gave Elias Some Serious Instruction etc. I asked him, whether he did really Choose this way of living, or No? He answered me, that he chose Learning and Said he would give himself to this kind of Life. I have been, and am, deeply affected with his Conduct. I desire to committ him to God who can change the Hearts of Men. He leaves us to return to Cambridge. I delivered him Fifty Dollars for his Support. And may God grant him his Special Blessing! Mrs. P____________ much indisposed. P.M. I rode over to see Mr. Broad, who (Thanks to God!) is more comfor[table?] does not bleed as heretofore. Discoursed and [prayed with him?] left him with my [illegible] to improve [illegible] Life to the divine Glory. [I then went?], and Mr. Elijah Hardy with me, to Mr. Isaac Parker’s where dwells the widow Jemima Hardy, that I might direct her with respect to Ruth Buck. But I found her much out of her Head, and incapable of any regular Conversation. Dr. Stimson has been here, is soon going to settle at Great Barrington.