1778 July 2 (Thursday). The Day of the Execution. Mr. Jos. Farrar calls, as he is going to Lincoln to see his Mother. N.B. No word from either about the Lecture. The Sun very burning. The Wind abated the Heat. After [4 p.m.?] arose a Storm of Thunder, Lightning and Rain.
My Thoughts have been much employed upon the Case and Condition of the Criminals, whom I have fervently recommended to the infinite Mercy of God and hope the penitent [are improved to Paradise?] Concerning the poor Woman, it is with me, [illegible] certain whether she is hanged or not, or what has become of her. Dr. [illegible] Stimson, old Mrs. Maynard and Persis Fay here in the time of the Storm. Mrs. Maynard says her Brother in Law Deacon Jonathan Keyes of North Shrewsbury, who deceased last Thursday, dyed very suddenly.
The Storm renews; the Rain continues: the Doctor lodges here.