April 13, 1777

1777 April 13 (Sunday).  Squire Baker acquaints me with the general Requests of those who are at the Hospital, that public prayers be made for them.  I preached a.m. on Rom. 8.1.  P.M. on Occasion of the Judgment of God upon us in the Small Pox, I preached on Isa. [64.9?].  The body of the Discourse was what I delivered in the year 60 but with Introduction, alterations, Additions, and especially Applications Suited to the present Circumstances which may God graciously be pleased to own and bless!  [Mr. Elijah Brigham?] and Cousen Davis dined here.  Am informed my Daughters are both of them broke out.  May God sustain and preserve them!  May they have Grace to profit Spiritually hereby and prepare them for His holy Will!