June 27, 1776

1776 June 27 (Thursday).  I again went out to the Team, to see and Speak with Mr. Fessenden but he was not there.  I walked up to Ensign Fays to see his Daughter Mrs. Rhoda Maynard who lives at her Fathers, having at time, very bad Fitts.  They are jealous She has been poisoned.  I heard (I suppose) Ensigns Voice in the House, but he did not come in to see me.  Mrs. Spring has a Letter from her Husband at Albany of June 9.  P.M. I went to See Mr. Ebenezer Forbush’s Children Sick of the Throat-Distemper.  Abner (of near 10) very bad.  Katy (of about 8) not quite so ill; yet has a strong Fever.  I prayed with them.  Abner dyes before night.  Was uneasy that I did not See Mr. Fessenden but could not go there o’ foot.