June 23, 1776

1776 June 23 (Sunday).  Preached a.m. on Isa. 55.5 — last Clause, “for He hath glorifyed Thee,” to pag. [blank] and suited to the Occasion of the Sacrament which was administered after it.  Mr. Ripley and Mrs. Godfrey with us: who with Mrs. Maynard and Miss Suse Brigham, dined with us.  May our great Defects be forgiven and Grace given to keep our solemnly renewed Vows!  P.M. Preached on Col. 2.12, carrying on my Discourse on Faith and made application to the present Times.  This Sermon took up my Time for Composition in the Week.  Read Mr. Thomas Knowltons Letter of Thanks for our late Contribution for him.  Have the affecting News of Mrs. Nurse’s, Mr. William Nurses’s Wife’s Death, this Morning.  A woman of great Steddiness and Prudence in her Family; and beloved of all: leaves her Husband in a poor, broken Condition — his Memory especially Shattered etc.