June 1, 1776

1776 June 1 (Saturday).  My Kinsman Briant and his wife kindly waited on me to Reading, where was my Sister Rebecca at her Neece’s, Miss Betty, and with her Miss Molly, Jarvis’s.  Dined, and p.m. proceeded to Salem.  Called at old Master Nuttings — thence to Mr. Willards at Beverly where I lodged.

June 3, 1776

1776 June 3 (Monday).  From Beverly rode to Manchester and dined at Mr. Toppan’s.  P.M. passed through bad Roads, and by many Sordid Hutts.  At Eve arrived at Mr. Forbes in Gloucester, who dwells in the House that was Mr. William [blank] at the Harbour, and his Son and Daughter Coffin, with their little Daughter also, my Great grand Daughter, in the Same House.  Here I lodged, and continued while I was in the first Parish.

June 4, 1776

1776 June 4 (Tuesday).  Mr. F. and I visited and dined with Mr. John Rogers, Minister of the Town Parish (as its called), though the 3d Church.  But we returned at Evening and saw our Delegates, who were come — viz. Mr. Daniel Forbes and Mr. Abijah Gale; My Sons Ebenezer and Breck, and Daughter Hannah also; Not to forget Miss Suse Brigham, all arrived there this Evening.

June 5, 1776

1776 June 5 (Wednesday).  An Ecclesiastical Council was formed at the House of Mr. Samuel Whittemores consisting of Six Churches with their Elders and Delegates, viz. of Westborough, 2d and 3d in Brookfield, and the 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th of Gloucester, except Rev. Ebenezer Cleavland pastor of the last, who is Supposed to be at N. York.  Parkman Moderator, and Rev. Obadiah Parsons Scribe.  The Church which sent for us, by Desire, came in.  No Objection.  Mr. Forbes was admitted a Member: and the Church renewed their Request to have him inaugurated or installed their Pastor.  Adjourned to the Meeting House.  The Solemnity was Opened by an Anthem and Mr. Ward prayed.  Parkman preached on Heb. 13.17.  After which proclamation was made that if any had Objection etc.  The Choice and Acceptance renewed.  Mr. Fisk prayed before the Charge, which Mr. Rogers gave.  Mr. Fuller gave the Right Hand and Mr. Parsons prayed after it.  A Psalm was sung.  Mr. F. gave the Blessing — and an Anthem concluded.  All was performed without the least Interruption, notwithstanding there were several Companys of Soldiers at the Harbour.  Nor any Murry there, nor his Followers.  At Eve at Coll. Jonathan Stevens’s.  N.B. At Mr. Forbes’s, when we returned, the Company of Singers performed with much Decency and Agreeableness.

June 6, 1776

1776 June 6 (Thursday).  Breck and Suse returned homewards.  I rode with Mr. F., his son and Daughter Coffin, my Son Ebenezer and Daughter Hannah to Col. Coffins, where were a Number more, and all of us dined very handsomely.  P.M. I with Mr. F. and Ebenezer rode to Mr. Jaques’s, where lies the poor man in a very deplorable Condition — but with wonderful Patience in bearing, and his dear Judith in faithfully tending him.  Prayed with them.  Returned to Col. Coffins, and lodged there.

June 8, 1776.

1776 June 8 (Saturday).  A rich prize taken by Capt. John Adams was brought into the Harbour yesterday: a vessel between 4 and 5 hundred Tun — with much plate, and about 30,000 Dollars, about 400 Casks of Sugar and Rum, a great deal of Mohogany, bags of Ginger, Piemento, livestock (Turtles, Goats etc) bound from Jemacia to London.  We went on board in the Morning and were treated civily and generously by the Mate, who now had the Care and chief Command.  We also a.m. rode to the End of the Cape — and returned so as to dine at Col. Stevens’s.  P.M. We (that is, Mr. F. and Ebenezer with me) rode to See the Rock, Normans Wo, where my dear Brother John perished.

June 9, 1776

1776 June 9 (Sunday).  Was so hoarse I endeavoured to excuse myself from preaching but I was compelled to try.  My Text was Rom. 15.2.  I found it so difficult to Speak that I refused in the p.m.  Mr. Forbes preached on 2 Cor. 5.20.  At Eve We went, by Special Invitation, to Mrs. Saunders’s (Widow of the late honorable William Saunders, and Daughter of Rev. Smith of Falmouth), a worthy, pious and agreeable Lady; and treated us with great Respect.  After our Visit there, I walked, with divers to accompany, to the Burying Place, to See my Daughter Forbes’s Grave.  O might I be adequately affected, and Suitably prepared!

June 10, 1776

1776 June 10 (Monday).  Ebenezer, Hannah and I sat out from Cape Ann to come home.  Mr. Forbes and his Son Coffin accompanyed us — first to his store, which was a few Miles out of the Harbour.  And there were well refreshed.  After riding a few Miles further, they left us and we proceeded — to [Hamlett?] and dined at Mr. Cutler’s where was his Wife’s Brother, Mr. Balch, who preached for Mr. Jonathan Parsons of Newbury, who is out of Health.  P.M. Mr. Cutler goes with us to See Sister Abigail and her Daughter Dilly (who marryed Mr. Ebenezer Lovering) and has a flock of Children.  They received us with Joy and Generosity.  I took an Account of the rest of my Brother Johns posterity.  Leaving them we came to Beverly and lodged at Mr. Enos Wheelock’s.

June 11, 1776

1776 June 11 (Tuesday).  In our Journey towards home we called at Mr. Holt’s of Danvers; at sister Rebecca’s at Reading.  Dined at Mr. Prentiss’s.  Called at Mr. Thomas Harringtons (in Watertown) to bait the Horses.  Thence to See my Kinsman Proctor at Lincoln; who now boards at Mr. John Adams’s, and lodge there.

June 12, 1776

1776 June 12 (Wednesday).  Sat out before Breakfast (though not without Family Prayer) and came to My Son Williams.  Both breakfast and dine there.  N.B. my son William droops.  Ebenezer and William take a ride into the Town, and return Seasonably for Dinner and the remainder of our long Journey.  Through the Great Goodness of God arrived in considerable Comfort, and found my Family in a measure of safety and Joy.  All Thanks and Praise!  But Mrs. P________ informs me that Elias, the Day after the Election, having mounted a young Horse which he rode here, in order to ride back to Mill-River, the Horse reared up, threw Elias off, and as it is said the Horse fell upon him, and his Head meeting with sharp stone; cut a great Gash in it, from whence the Blood issued plentifully — but his Life and senses were preserved.  Dr. Hawes dressed it, and by the Blessing of God it is in an hopeful Way.  She informs me also that my Son Moore was here and preached the first sabbath of my Absence, and my Son Cushing, with Sally and son John were here during the Election Time for several Days — that the Election Day was a Day of Training the 2 Companys of Soldiers — that her Brother and Sister Breck have been here on June 5 and lodged — and when they left our House, it was to go to Mr. Whitneys at Brookline, Connecticut.  That Alexander came also.  That there was a great Frost the morning of June 1 etc. etc.

June 16, 1776

1776 June 16 (Sunday).  Was much indisposed Still with my Cold, pain in my Back.  Have not been able to finish what I attempted of preparations, but went to meeting and preached on Eph. 6.13 to 18th v. a. and p.m.  Restored a penitant (Mrs. Thankful Warrin) and baptized two Children.  Appointed the Communion and the preparatory Lecture.  May God graciously accept!

June 17, 1776

1776 June 17 (Monday).  Visited Mr. Richard Barns’s Wife who is very ill of the Cholera Morbus; and I fear will die soon.  She seems to have the Symptoms of Death upon her.  Instructed, exhorted and prayed with her.  And visited also old Mrs. Sarah Forbush, under her Cancer Still and prayed with her.  Dr. Hawes constable, delivered me 50 Dollars.  (The Year was up yesterday.)  My Son Samuel and wife are packing up and preparing to remove.  Wrote to Mr. Fitch to preach my Lecture.  Town Met to choose a Recognizer and elected Deacon Bond.

June 18, 1776

1776 June 18 (Tuesday).  In the morning my Kinsman Capt. Samuel Trask informs me of the Death of Mrs. Barns, which was Yesterday about 6 p.m.  News of two Transports with 196 Troops on board, taken Sabbath Evening by our Privateers, and carryed into Boston.  My Son Samuel, his Wife and Children remove to ConcordAmasa Maynard carryed their Goods in his Team.  Breck also sat out for Albany.  Mr. Peter Adams was yesterday Sorely wounded in one of his Ankles, by a broad Ax.  I therefore went to See him.  Squire Baker is building a great Store House, especially for Beef and Pork for the Army.

June 20, 1776

1776 June 20 (Thursday).  Elias returns to Mr. Frost of Mendon — has Squire Whipple’s Horse, and James Hicks goes to bring him back.  Mr. Fitch came from Hopkinton.  Dined with me and preached my Lecture from 2 Cor. 8.9.  A very good and seasonable sermon.  May the Blessing of God accompany it into our Hearts!  Mr. Ed. Goddard of Swanzy, New Hampshire and his Wife, here after Meeting.

June 21, 1776

1776 June 21 (Friday).  My Kinsman Mr. Ebenezer Lovering with his son John, came here in the morning (having lodged at Andrews’s) and broke fast with us.  He sat out again for Westfield.  Privateers (we hear) take, one time after another Transports which the King Sends, with many Highlanders to Subdue America.  A great Account of the Mighty Army which is coming.  Mr. Nicholas Dudley, preacher, at Eve and lodges here.  So does Billy Bradford.  Also the Widow Bellows and her Daughter Godfry and Child.

June 23, 1776

1776 June 23 (Sunday).  Preached a.m. on Isa. 55.5 — last Clause, “for He hath glorifyed Thee,” to pag. [blank] and suited to the Occasion of the Sacrament which was administered after it.  Mr. Ripley and Mrs. Godfrey with us: who with Mrs. Maynard and Miss Suse Brigham, dined with us.  May our great Defects be forgiven and Grace given to keep our solemnly renewed Vows!  P.M. Preached on Col. 2.12, carrying on my Discourse on Faith and made application to the present Times.  This Sermon took up my Time for Composition in the Week.  Read Mr. Thomas Knowltons Letter of Thanks for our late Contribution for him.  Have the affecting News of Mrs. Nurse’s, Mr. William Nurses’s Wife’s Death, this Morning.  A woman of great Steddiness and Prudence in her Family; and beloved of all: leaves her Husband in a poor, broken Condition — his Memory especially Shattered etc.

June 24, 1776

1776 June 24 (Monday).  Riply goes to Concord, and is going to Plymouth to keep school there.  I write by him to Mr. Moore.  [Mr. Joseph Caryl from Hubbards town and with him Mr. Thomas Pierce and his Lad, with a Team for Rum, dine here.]  [Marginal notation:  N.B. This, between Bracketts, was on the 25th.]  P.M. was Training — they held it very late — when it was passed nine at night, Drum and Fife rattling; the Ground dry and hard made the Sound the greater and it grew very troublesome: I conceived that the Company was dismissed, but that a Number of Idlers and vain Persons were gathered round a Drum and were diverting themselves; I therefore went out and Spoke to them.  They did not so regard as was reasonable for me to expect; but I broke off and turned ‘em away.  Some of them Seemed to dislike it, and the Drum was Struck again — upon which I told ‘em if they did not desist, being it was so late, I would complain to Authority, upon which the Drum Moved off, round the Meeting House — but Seeing that the Principal Body of Men remained, I enquired for Capt. Morse to acquaint him that it was late etc.  Lt. Thomas Bond presented himself and said he had Command, that the Company was not dismissed, and that they were upon Special Bus’ness.  I replyed that if so I did not desire to ‘meddle with their military and necessary Affairs — but prayed their Drums etc. might cease to make such a noise to disturb the Neighbourhood So late at night.  To this there were rough answers from some who moved away as they Spoke; upon which I enquired what their Names were.  Mr. Joseph Harrington came and handsomely made Defence of their tarrying to dispatch their Business, and then they would endeavour to retire.  Upon that I (desiring their troublesome music might be still) returned home.  Mrs. P________ and Several besides, of the Family, were ill through the Night.  I was troubled at so much rugged turbulent Behavior of those whose Morals I was So nearly concerned to watch over.  May God forgive what was amiss in Such a time of Temptation!

June 25, 1776

1776 June 25 (Tuesday).  Wrote, and Sent by Mr. Daniel Godfry, to Mr. Quincy at Lancaster.  A.M. Attended the Funeral of Mrs. Rebecca Nurse, Wife of Mr. William Nurse.  P.M. Mr. Jonathan Maynard came to me about the Supposed Counterfeit Bill, which Mr. John Maynard came about and by means of his relating so many Circumstances about it, I took it of him, least it should be more and more defective by often fingering.  I conclude I received it from Mr. Fessenden late Constable, on Feb. 2 last.  Went to see poor Nanny Beeton, who is greatly disordered in Mind and Body.

June 26, 1776

1776 June 26 (Wednesday).  Mr. Whitney and Mrs. Hammock visit us.  He relates Sad News from Canada, of our Forces being driven from their Posts.  May God prepare us for all Events!  Mr. Wh. desires we may change next Lords Day.  Reflecting on the Affair of the Counterfeit Bill, and concluding I had it of Mr. Fessenden, I endeavoured to see him at Capt. Maynards breaking up Team; for I heard he was to be there; but he came not.

June 27, 1776

1776 June 27 (Thursday).  I again went out to the Team, to see and Speak with Mr. Fessenden but he was not there.  I walked up to Ensign Fays to see his Daughter Mrs. Rhoda Maynard who lives at her Fathers, having at time, very bad Fitts.  They are jealous She has been poisoned.  I heard (I suppose) Ensigns Voice in the House, but he did not come in to see me.  Mrs. Spring has a Letter from her Husband at Albany of June 9.  P.M. I went to See Mr. Ebenezer Forbush’s Children Sick of the Throat-Distemper.  Abner (of near 10) very bad.  Katy (of about 8) not quite so ill; yet has a strong Fever.  I prayed with them.  Abner dyes before night.  Was uneasy that I did not See Mr. Fessenden but could not go there o’ foot.

June 28, 1776

1776 June 28 (Friday).  Terrible Drought continues.  Bad news frequently arriving — especially from Canada.  P.M. Rev. Hall of Sutton called to See me.  I rode over to Mr. Fessenden with the Counterfeit Bill, which Mr. Jotham Maynard brought me.  I shewed him and offered him it — but he utterly refused to take it.  Moreover he said he was willing that rational, judicious men Should Judge of it.  Also that he would talk with John Maynard about it.  My Son Samuel from Concord.  N.B. Agreed with Mr. Benjamin Tainter junior to Supply me with the Worcester News Paper Every Friday, for 10/ Lawful Money per Year.

June 30, 1776

1776 June 30 (Sunday).  My Engagement to Mr. Whitney carryed me over to Northborough (had Neighbour Barn. Newtons Horse).  Preached on Jer. 14.22 a. and p.m.  The forenoon was Clear and Hot; but in the afternoon was a Plentiful Rain, accompanyed with Thunder and Lightning.  A very mercifull Relief!  May God be praised for it!  N.B. Mr. Simon How of Marlborough at Mr. Whitneys.  Mr. Whitney preached here on Mat. 5.43 to the End.  We each returned to our respective Homes.