March 31, 1776

1776 March 31 (Sunday).  Though it was Stormy I undertook to ride to Northborough, agreeable to a Message sent to Mr. Whitney.  Met him coming here; but he tells me Mr. Smith is at his House, and I must go to Marlborough; with which I complyed, though it was difficult to face the Storm, Snow, not a little (under Foot) and Rain in my Face.  Meet Several Companys of Soldiers, marching upwards.  I preached at Marlborough a. and p.m. on Jer. 11.3.  May God bless the word to all of us, for our thorow Amendment and Reformation!  At Eve it was so wet, and So difficult travelling, that I was obliged to tarry there.  Neither did Mr. Smith return home.  His Negro Woman Happy, has a strong Fitt.  They needed, and had, my Help.  And call in a Neighbour who was Strong to lift her, being very heavy.  The Fitt came on again.  She was lifted to the Bed, and lay composed, though she had not her Senses.  Mr. Noah Rice a young Scholar (Son of Mr. Jabez), came in the Evening to see Me.