March 17, 1776

1776 March 17 (Sunday).  The Roads are full of Soldiers.  Many are travelling to Day.  My Son Baldwin came here this Morning — eats Breakfast, and presently leaves us.  He is going to New York, as Engineer, and does not know (he says) but that he Shall go to Canada.  He tells me the Regulars are Pillaging and destroying Boston; and preparing to go off.  It was so fine a morning that (notwithstanding my Letter to Mr. Whitney) I sat out for Northborough; but found the Roads too muddy and hollow, and the attempt to travell, impracticable.  I returned, and preached at Home — a.m. on Rev. 14.7, which I had newly prepared: and p.m. Sermon on 2 Chron. 20.20, with many Omissions and Alterations.  May God bless my poor Essays!