September 7, 1774

1774 September 7 (Wednesday).  Breck gives me account that yesterday there assembled at Worcester 4722 Persons who were in arrangements under their particular Heads, leading each Town, but without Arms: Those Heads treated with the Judges and other Officers of the Court.  The Court House was filled with Committees of Correspondence from each Town; and the Door fastened and guarded. The court walked from Haywoods Tavern to the Court House between the Ranks, with their Hatts off; and then back; a Paper being Read, Signifying that they would Endeavor etc. — but this not Satisfying, another was drawn, and Read Promising that they would not Sit etc. in that or any other Court — under the new Regulation by the late Acts of Parliament.  I dont understand that there was any Disorder. The List stands thus,

Worcester [240?]

Princetown 60

Palmer — 38

Uxbridge — 156

Harvard — 103

Sutton — 500

Westborough 200

Hubbardston 55

Westminster 120

Rutland — 150

Lunenbourg 40

Oxford Troop — 40

Athol — 51

Western — 100

N. Shrewsbury 100

Royalston 39

Winchendon — 45

S. Shrewsbury 135

New Braintry 140

Southborough 35

Northborough 85

Brookfield 216

Chauxitt — 200

Oxford — 80

Douglass — 130

Leicester 180

Oakham — 50

Grafton — 210

Spencer 164

Petersham — 70

Holden — 100

Sturbridge 150

Paxton — 80

Hardwick 220

Bolton 100

Upton — 100

Templeton  120  


N.B. This, except Worcester and Spencer, is the order in which the Companys Stood from the Court House and Southward, viz. Uxbridge first, Westborough Second etc.  A few companys had Arms. Breck tells me also that those Gentlemen and others in the Town of Worcester who Signed an Address to Gov. Hutchinson before his going away, Signed a Recantation, which was read to the multitudes.  Tis Said the people behaved with Silence, Decency and in good Order.  Read Considerations of the late Measures of Parliament.