September 2, 1774

1774 September 2 (Friday).  This morning was ushered in with Alarms from every Quarter, to get ready and run down to Boston or Cambridge.  The Contents Magazine of Powder at Winter Hill had been carryed off — namely [550?] Barrells; by Treachery; etc.  This is told as the Chief Affair. 72 of our Neighbours marched from Gales (tis said) by break of Day; and others are continuely going.  My young man goes armed, with them. About 5 p.m. Grafton Company, nigh 80, under Capt. Golding, march by us.  N.B. Squire Whipple here.  Says he is ready to sign etc.  It is a Day of peculiar Anxiety and Distress!  Such as we have not had — Will the Lord graciously look upon us; and grant us Deliverance — for we would hope and trust in His Name!  We send for Mrs. Spring and her two Children to be here with us, while her husband is gone with the People.  Breck returned from Lancaster.  At Eve we have most sorrowful News that Hostilitys have commenced at Cambridge, and that Six of our people are killed; that probably Some at least may be of Westborough.  Joshua Chamberlin stood next (as it is related) to one that was slain.  We have many Vague accounts and indeed are left in uncertaintys about Every Thing that has occurred.  Sutton soldiers — about 250, pass along by us — but after midnight are returning by reason of a Contrary Report.  Mr. Zech. Hicks stops here.  Breck is employed in the night to cast Bulletts.  A Watch at the Meeting House to guard the Town stock etc.  Some Towns, we hear, have lost much of theirs, as Dedham, Wrentham etc.