July 14, 1774

1774 July 14 (Thursday).  Rode over to the Fast at Hopkinton, Solemnized On Account of the present public Distresses.  I began with prayer. Mr. Fitch preached a.m. on Ps. 85.9.  A very suitable sermon. P.M. Mr. Fitch prayed, and I preached on Isa. 63.9.10.  May God be graciously pleased to hear our Supplications and grant a gracious Answer to the fervent Requests of His people!  May the Word delivered prove profitable in the highest respects! Great Numbers of other Congregations (I hear) observe this Day in the like solemn Manner.  O that the Sins of our holy Things may be forgiven; and may it be such a Fast as God has chosen! The people of Hopkinton had a Meeting after the Exercises and Signed an Agreement which Capt. Thomas Mellen shewed me at Evening at Mr. Fitch’s.  I returned home.