July 1, 1774

1774 July 1 (Friday).  Mr. Fitch of Hopkinton returning from Connecticut (whither he had been to wait on his mother) and with him his Sister Wights son John (about 13 years old).  They dine here and I agree that on July 14th I will (God willing) assist him in a Fast at Hopkinton.  N.B. Mr. Daniel Forbes one of the Committee of Correspondence here.  Shewed him my Remarks on the Covenant etc. He desires me to let Dr. Hawes (who is another) See some of my papers concerning those Matters.  At Eve Breck goes to a Military Meeting at Lt. Bakers, who I hear, is chose one of the Captains, to settle their Affairs. N.B. All those Expressions in the public News Papers which are further irritating to Authority are my continual Grief, but I would willingly, heartily, promote what ever is lawful, constitutional and consistent with Wisdom and prudence under our unhappy Circumstances, and that is our Duty under our Christian Obligations to undertake for our Relief, and for the Restoration of our privileges and Liberties, that we may again enjoy under God our wonted Peace and Harmony with Great Britain.