June 16, 1772

1772 June 16 (Tuesday).  At 8 o’clock attended the Funeral of young Mr. Green’s Child.  Then hastened to Ministers Meeting at Southborough.  But few there present.  Of the Association only Mr. Smith and I besides Mr. Stone.  Mr. Peter Whitney and Mr. Caleb Rice gave us their Company.  Mr. Stone gave a serious sermon on Col. 2.6.  Returned at Eve.  Marryed Joseph Belknap to Esther SnowNathan Fay came to me to be instructed in his Duty previous to his Making Confession etc.  Reflecting upon this being the Day 48 Years agoe, that I gave affirmative Answer to the Town of Westborough to tarry with them.  O what abundant Cause for mourning and Grief, having been so unprofitable!  May God most gracious extend Mercy through Jesus Christ!