June 2, 1772

1772 June 2 (Tuesday).  Mr. Bradshaw has had no sleep all night.  Has an Ague-Fit.  Fever afterward came on.  But was not so bad as Sabbath Day.  Hannah rode with me to Mr. Jonah Warrins, where I preached on Mat. 6.21, “For where your Treasure is” etc.  After the Exercise the Widow Lydia Grout (who now lives at Mr. Warrins) desired to Speak with me.  She delivered me letters from Deacon Plympton.  One dated Apr. 13 concerning the Supply of their Pulpit, that is, who they had improved, and the Reason why he had not mentioned Mr. Bradshaw; the other dated May 28, containing a Certificat concerning this Mrs. Grout.  She also desired to join with our Church.