March 17, 1772

1772 March 17 (Tuesday).  The Snow So deep I had Mr. Isaac Johnson and Mr. Ezra Baker to accompany Me as far as Mr. Timothy Warrins, but when I came to the Corner of Mr. Nurse’s Bridge, the Bank of Snow filled the Road: was forced to go back to Dr. Hawes to ask Help.  After dining there, the Doctor and Solomon Batherick went with Shovels and assisted Me — so that I arrived here in Safety.  D.G.  My wife told me they had narrowly escaped burning last Saturday Evening by the Fire blazing out under my Study Hearth.  N.B. Mr. Taylor came here Saturday p.m. and tarried till this Morning.  Mr. Elisha Forbes calls at the Door to tell me Mr. Phinehas Maynard was near his End, and that his Wife desired me to go over there.  But I had no Horse, the Snow deep, the night coming on, the Man incapable of Conversing, no going out to get any Assistance by Horse or sleigh, and I was so newly arrived from my Journey, that I did not go, but prayed for him and them here.  N.B. Heard to day that Rev. Mr. Webb of Uxbridge is to be buryed to day.  May the Lord sanctifie this and the other Deaths, that I may be the more quickened to prepare for my own!