1772 March 13 (Friday). Deacon Wood came to accompany me. Mr. Nurse with an Horse for me and Sets out with us. Messrs. Timothy Warrin, Haskil and Andrews go also. We go by Southborough, overtake Mr. Stone at Cyprian Houses. Thus far came Deacon and the rest; and then returned. Mr. Stone and I arrived seasonably for Dinner at Mr. Lorings. Messrs. Goss, Smith, two Bridges, Woodward and Cushing of Waltham there. The Corps was carryed to the Meeting House. I could not be excused from Praying. The Corps were interred in Col. Browns Tomb. It was a most sorrowful Time! My Head and Heart full. I cry again, “Help Lord! The godly cease. I must work the works,” etc. Mr. Stone and I lodge in F. Lorings study. How many the Stimuli to our Duty and to be ready our selves!