March 1, 1772

1772 March 1  (Sunday).  Mr. Barns preached a.m. on Joh. 3.3, p.m. on Mark 12.30.31.  Which may God bless to us all for our highest Benefit!  At the Close of the Exercises I acquainted the Congregation with the designed Fast at Mr. Warrins.  N.B. My Kinsman Bradshaw came from Lt. Nathan Brighams of Southborough this morning, having been too much overcome with his Journey yesterday to get here.  Master Taylor dined here and was here at Evening.  But Mr. Barns chose to go back to Marlborough.  Bradshaw lodges here.

March 2, 1772

1772 March 2 (Monday).  Lt. Harrington with his Team, and Mr. Daniel Forbes’s son Simon and  Team bring a large Stone (which Mr. Forbes gives me) for my West Door.  A handsome Benefaction.  Mr. Bradshaw goes to Brookfield.  Mr. Tainter came with the Request of the Town that I would go to the Meeting House and pray with them before the Elections.  Went accordingly.  P.M. Came a Young Man of Brecks Acquaintance, his Name Calvin Jacobs from Uxbridge, and lodges here.

March 3, 1772

1772 March 3 (Tuesday).  Young Jacobs leaves us to return to Uxbridge.  I rode over to Mr. Phinehas Maynards (though he has not Sent for me) to visit him in his low, Consumptive Condition.  Talked with him and prayed with him.  Went to Mr. Fessendens.  Borrowed of him Mr. Hookers Souls Humiliation and Preparation for Christ, also in the Same Vol. The unbeliever preparing for Christ.  Visit Mr. James Godfry’s Wife, newly lain in, and Mrs. Maynard, who has lately had an ill Turn.  Mr. Taylor at Eve here.  Brings the British Grammar; and Several Pamphlets: his Letter also from Mr. Crosby at Ono’quage.  Mr. Taylor etc. go to Ashbo’s Wigwam.

March 5, 1772

1772 March 5 (Thursday).  Capt. Brigham in his Sleigh came and took me to ride with him in the Snow Storm, to Mr. Jonah and Levi Warrins to attend a Fast there on Account of their great and Sore Troubles — in particular on Consideration of the Languishing Condition of young Mrs. Warrin.  Messrs. Frost and Fish were there.  Mr. Fish prayed and preached a.m.  The Text was Mat. 17.17.  Those words, “bring him hither to me.”  P.M. Mr. Frost prayed and preached.  His Text Ps. 6.1 — 3 verses.  I prayed at the Conclusion.  O that God would hear and accept!  And that the word might do us good as it doth the upright!  Miss Lucy Hall of Sutton called and dined here, with a young Man who waited on her.

March 6, 1772

1772 March 6 (Friday).  I find by the Public Prints that Mr. David Cutler of Boston, an old Neighbour of Mr. Pierpoints, is dead.[1]  The Reflection on the Remove of the Inhabitants of that one street (Union Street) by Death, Since my Remembrance, is very affecting.  Lord make me know my own End etc.

[1]“Mr. David Cutler, Pewter, aged 69 Years.  His Remains are to be interred To Morrow Afternoon at Four o’Clock, when his Friends and Acquaintance are desired to attend.”  Boston Evening-Post, Mar. 2, 1772 (issue 1901), p. [3].

March 8, 1772

1772 March 8 (Sunday).  Preached on Luk. 15.23, last clause and v. 24.  P.M. went on with the repetition of Sermon on Ps. 119.57, former part.  May the Lord be my portion, and may I partake of the Joy of those who though dead are alive again etc.!  Cousen Nanny Brigham dined here.  Appointed the Communion.  N.B. Robert Ashbo (who with others of his, was at Meeting a. and p.m.) came here after Exercises, to talk with me about Gods being our Lot and Portion.  This is very agreeable to me.

March 10, 1772

1772 March 10 (Tuesday).  P.M. Mr. Abraham Wood of Sudbury came up to inform me that yesterday about 3 quarters after one in the afternoon expired the Venerable Man, Father Loring, almost 90 years old If he Should have lived till the 17th of next month.  Help Lord!  The godly man ceaseth!  My Father.  My Father.  The Chariots of Israel and the Horsemen thereof!  Dr. Hawes and his Wife made us a Visit and drank Tea here.  John Arnold here and tells me his Brother Thomas’s pleas with him to continue to serve him, have so prevailed that he can’t live with me, as I had bespoke.

March 11, 1772

1772 March 11 (Wednesday).  Went to Deacon Wood to ask him to go with me to Sudbury; and he consents.  Was at Lt. Bakers who undertakes to find a Sleigh for me, if not an Horse also.  Received a Letter of the 7th from Mr. Whitney to preach his Lecture to Day, whereas it is my own.  I have sent to Mr. Fitch to preach for me, but it is too stormy and too difficult travelling, especially out of the Great Road, to expect him.  I was obliged to preach my Self — to a Small Handfull.  The Text was Joh. 18.11, latter part.

March 12, 1772

1772  March 12 (Thursday).  The Snow so deep, the wind high and the whole of the weather so rough, I am in great  doubt about going to Sudbury tomorrow.  But p.m. more Moderate.  Deacon Wood came, and takes great Pains to provide for my going.  Some Neighbours will help break the way.  I went to Mr. Nurse’s in the Evening and obtain an Horse.

March 13, 1772

1772 March 13 (Friday).  Deacon Wood came to accompany me.  Mr. Nurse with an Horse for me and Sets out with us.  Messrs. Timothy Warrin, Haskil and Andrews go also.  We go by Southborough, overtake Mr. Stone at Cyprian Houses.  Thus far came Deacon and the rest; and then returned.  Mr. Stone and I arrived seasonably for Dinner at Mr. Lorings.  Messrs. Goss, Smith, two Bridges, Woodward and Cushing of Waltham there.  The Corps was carryed to the Meeting House.  I could not be excused from Praying.  The Corps were interred in Col. Browns Tomb.  It was a most sorrowful Time!  My Head and Heart full.  I cry again, “Help Lord!  The godly cease.  I must work the works,” etc.  Mr. Stone and I lodge in F. Lorings study.  How many the Stimuli to our Duty and to be ready our selves!

March 15, 1772

1772 March 15 (Sunday).  Preached at Sudbury, West Side, on the Sorrowful Occasion of the Death of F. Loring, on John 12.35 a. and p.m., in which I gave some Account of Mr. Loring from his Diary, which he had appointed to be at my and Mr. Stone’s Disposal.  N.B. My son William came to Meeting and heard me; he being but about 4 Miles off.  He came on Racketts, across meadows etc. which made it much nigher.  In the Evening I employed my Self as much time as I could, in Searching into the Diary, the Adversaria etc.

March 16, 1772

1772 March 16 (Monday).  Mr. Nathan Loring accompanyed me to Capt. Wood’s.  Dined at Capt. Ezekiel How’s.  He tells me that Mr. Peter Noyes, who was at meeting with us yesterday, both forenoon and afternoon, is dead.  The Road tolerable as far as the parting beyond the Milestone 26, but then it grew difficult.  Met Mr. Abraham Wood returning home: but he had not been to Westborough.  Said he could not get there by reason of the Snow.  I stopped at Mr. Samuel Sherman’s who was so kind as to go with me, and took one of his sons with him, the Snow being very deep, and another Storm came on!  We got as far as to Mr. Stone’s, and no farther.  N.B. one William Henderson, Watch maker, etc. there in the Evening.  I lodged there.

March 17, 1772

1772 March 17 (Tuesday).  The Snow So deep I had Mr. Isaac Johnson and Mr. Ezra Baker to accompany Me as far as Mr. Timothy Warrins, but when I came to the Corner of Mr. Nurse’s Bridge, the Bank of Snow filled the Road: was forced to go back to Dr. Hawes to ask Help.  After dining there, the Doctor and Solomon Batherick went with Shovels and assisted Me — so that I arrived here in Safety.  D.G.  My wife told me they had narrowly escaped burning last Saturday Evening by the Fire blazing out under my Study Hearth.  N.B. Mr. Taylor came here Saturday p.m. and tarried till this Morning.  Mr. Elisha Forbes calls at the Door to tell me Mr. Phinehas Maynard was near his End, and that his Wife desired me to go over there.  But I had no Horse, the Snow deep, the night coming on, the Man incapable of Conversing, no going out to get any Assistance by Horse or sleigh, and I was so newly arrived from my Journey, that I did not go, but prayed for him and them here.  N.B. Heard to day that Rev. Mr. Webb of Uxbridge is to be buryed to day.  May the Lord sanctifie this and the other Deaths, that I may be the more quickened to prepare for my own!

March 18, 1772

1772 March 18 (Wednesday).  Mr. Spring here to Mend and Secure my Hearth and Floor.  Phinehas Forbush (whom I had Sent to) came, and I agreed with him to live with me Six Months from the middle of April (if the Weather shall suit to begin then), but I must give him £11 Lawful Money.  But I Shall depend upon his doing my Business without further Charge.  Mr. Hannaniah Parker here and pays me so much in Money and Notes that I gave him Receipt for £63.0.6 old Tenor.  Mr. Wheelock came to acquaint me that Mr. Phinehas Maynard dyed last night; and to desire me to attend his Funeral on Friday.

March 20, 1772

1772 March 20 (Friday).  Mr. Phinehas Maynard, nigh 43 year old, was buryed though it was a very great Storm of Snow.  Lt. Baker came and carryed me in his Sleigh.  The Assembly was great at the House of Mourning.  I had some Freedom in Speaking and in Prayer.  May God accept my feeble Attempts!  Breck has finished his school and is returned home.  The Season is uncommonly tedious, tempestuous and Snowing hard upon the great Body of Snow which is already on the Earth.  The Lord prepare us for His Will, and extend Compassion to the Poor!

March 22, 1772

1772 March 22 (Sunday).  Read 2 Kings, Ch. 2, and preached a. and p.m. on v. 12[1] on Occasion of the Death of venerable F. Loring — of whom I endeavoured to give some Account — but I have not the Art of Embalming.  Repeated at Eve.  May God graciously quicken us by His Holy Spirit!

[1]2 Kings 2.12: “And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his own clothes, and rent them in two pieces.”


March 23, 1772

1772 March 23 (Monday).  P.M. Mr. Gale and his Wife make us a Visit.  I was Sent for urgently by Mrs. Spring who is very ill again.  Mr. Gale is so good as to wait upon me there in his Sleigh.  Found her not only low in Body, but distressed in mind — using great earnestness in her Expressions.  Conversed and prayed with her.

March 25, 1772

1772 March 25 (Wednesday).  Visit Mrs. Hardy whose Face is now chiefly eaten away  and both her Eyes are so gone that She is wholly blind.  Prayed with her.  She Speaks but little, but thinks her Faith and Hope in Christ are well grounded.  Mr. Bradshaw rides over to Mr. Daniel Adams, who consents to keep his Horse.  Receive from Mr. Thomas Adams of Medfield via Boston three Books, viz. Origines Sacrae, Mr. Thomas Gouge, and Dr. Youngs Night Thoughts.  I am reading Dr. Chauncys complete View of Episcopacy; and have an high Esteem of it.

March 26, 1772

1772 March 26 (Thursday).  Mr. Edwards Whipple has Sent his Horse, as well as repeated Invitations to us to make them a Visit.  We rode over in my sleigh.  Mr. Bradshaw drove: and we dined there — drank Tea — and by Day light favoring us, arrived home Safe.  But in the Evening Mr. Bradshaw had Pain in his Stomach; and grows very poorly.

March 29, 1772

1772 March 29 (Sunday).  So difficult Roads and Weather that  though I suppose the Deacons bring the Elements, yet there are so few Members, it appears most advisable still to defer the Administration of the Sacrament.  Mr. B. so much better that he preaches — a.m. on Joh. 3.16 and p.m. on Joh. 13.15.  I omitted Reading a.m.  Read p.m. Tit. 3.  At Evening read in Mr. Mitchels Letter to his Brother.