August 5, 1770

1770 August 5 (Sunday).  Read Ezek. 25 and on Consideration of the Distemper among us, and nigh to us, in Shrewsbury (Mr. William Parker, (Mr. Daniel Forbes Wife’s son) dyed of it this Morn) I preached on Ps. 28.5, gathering up a Discourse from several parts of my sermon on that Text, with great alterations, omissions, additions, etc., accommodating it to the present Occasion.  The Lord pardon my great Defects, and add His own Blessing!  P.M. read Phil. 1.  Preached on Phil. 1.6, that Clause, “He which hath begun a good Work in you.”  Received a Letter from Mr. Abraham Wood in Answer to Mine, that he intends to Supply my Pulpit on the 12th.  Miss Lydia Chamberlain lodges here.