August 5, 1770

1770 August 5 (Sunday).  Read Ezek. 25 and on Consideration of the Distemper among us, and nigh to us, in Shrewsbury (Mr. William Parker, (Mr. Daniel Forbes Wife’s son) dyed of it this Morn) I preached on Ps. 28.5, gathering up a Discourse from several parts of my sermon on that Text, with great alterations, omissions, additions, etc., accommodating it to the present Occasion.  The Lord pardon my great Defects, and add His own Blessing!  P.M. read Phil. 1.  Preached on Phil. 1.6, that Clause, “He which hath begun a good Work in you.”  Received a Letter from Mr. Abraham Wood in Answer to Mine, that he intends to Supply my Pulpit on the 12th.  Miss Lydia Chamberlain lodges here.

August 6, 1770

1770 August 6 (Monday).  [As?] Joseph goes to work in the Newton Meadow, and my grandson Elias with him, I went down to look of the several Pieces which are yet to be mowed.  Was at Dr. Hawes.  Old Mrs. Kelly here and dined.  Miss Lydia Chamberlin Works here as a Taylor for Breck.  P.M. Mr. Levi Warrin and his Wife here, and are partly Examined.  I enquired into the Birth of their Child.  They Say it was exactly 7 Months, after marriage.  I am full of deep Concern and Sollicitude.  May the Lord direct me!  Counsel and conduct me in these Difficultys!

August 8, 1770

1770 August 8 (Wednesday).  Mr. Sumner had Sent to me to preach his Lecture to day, but Squire Whipple came and told me Mr. Gleasons Daughters Funeral could be at no other Time than 2 o’Clock, so that I was forced to omitt going to Shrewsbury, and did attend at Mr. Gleasons; and after condoling and praying I took leave and went on my Journey to Ashby.  Rode to Mr. Morse’s at Shrewsbury and lodg’d there.  N.B. His Horse of 500£.

August 9, 1770

1770 August 9 (Thursday).  Ride to Mr. Mellens, and break fast there.  He is repairing his House.  Proceed to Mr. Gardners at Leominster, and dine there.  P.M. he is so good as to ride with me to Fitchbourg, but Mr. Payson was gone to Bradford.  Called at Capt. Cowdin’s where was his Mother (Daughter of my old Neighbour Mr. Samuel Clark).  I took leave of Mr. Gardner there, and hastened to Ashby: and found all well at My Sons.  My Daughter Cushing also there.  Lodged at Williams and in good Comfort.  D.G.

August 15, 1770

1770 August 15 (Wednesday).  We parted with Mr. Brown and Family, and returned to Ashburnham.  We rode to Capt. Wilders and (though he was gone to Boston) Mrs. Wilder was apprized of our Coming and prepared.  We dined handsomely; Mrs. Winchester and her Daughter Harris there also.  P.M. took leave, and came (Mr. Cushing piloting through the Woods) to Fitchbourg.  Then Leominster.  Mr. Payson was so good as to conduct me; and we came the way by Mr. Swans at Leominster.  Called there and saw Mrs. Swan (who had heretofore been bed-rid many Years) came to the Door, though like the Apparition of a Ghost; and told me she had a Daughter who has kept her Bed for 8 Months.  Proceeded to Mr. Gardners and lodged there.  Mr. Payson, who came with me thus far, returned home.

August 16, 1770

1770 August 16 (Thursday).  Came from Mr. Gardners Somewhat late in the Morning.  He was So good as to accompany me part of the Way to Lancaster.  Called at Mr. Greens (Dr. Peter’s Father).  Dined at Mr. Harringtons, who acquainted me with the proceedings at Bolton and with Mr. Goss’s present Case under Confinement to his Bed, by Lameness.  N.B. Dr. Wait has the Care of him.  The brief Story of Dr. Wait.  Called at Mr. Josh. Townsends by reason of what has occurred lately relative to Dr. Nat. Martyn, who has lately absconded.  His wife and two Children at Mr. Townsends.  Thought it my Duty to visit Mr. Goss under his complicated Troubles and Disasters.  Returned home by Mr. Whitneys, where I called.  Arrived, D.G., in safety.

August 21, 1770

1770 August 21 (Tuesday).  Rode to Ministers Meeting at Mr. Lorings.  N.B. Mr. Whitney of Northborough my Company great part of the way.  Heard that one Mr. Muzzy was Struck Dead by the Lightning last Evening and the House being near, I went to see the Corps and Sympathize with the Family.  O that we also might be ready!  Mr. Loring gave us at his House a Concio on James 2.3, “If ye shall fulfill the royal Law — ye shall do well.”  N.B. I had prayed before it.  Mr. Gardner, to our Joy and profit, was with us.  My son Cushing was also there.  I returned with Mr. Stone, as far as his House and lodged there: he having requested me to preach his Lecture tomorrow.

August 22, 1770

1770 August 22 (Wednesday).  Went with Mr. Stone a.m. to Capt. [Solomon Wards?] at whose shop I bought Cloth etc. for a Coat for my Son Elias.  Then called at Coll. Brighams.  Dined at Mr. Stones p.m. and preached his Lecture on Joh. 14.6.  Mr. Stone lent me divers MSS of his late old Mr. Lord of Chatham, viz. some of his Diary — a Sermon on 1 Cor. 55 and Josiah Osgoods Journal of an Expedition under the Command of Col. James Moore, General.  I rode to Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlins to get a Taylor (Miss Lydia).  Called to see Mrs. Bruce and her Baby, which Seems to languish, as her Twins did, before they dyed.

August 26, 1770

1770 August 26 (Sunday).  Read Ezek. 26.  Preached on Phil. 1.6.  Mrs. Fessenden dined here.  She tells me her son Johns wife is in an ill State, and tis feared whether She will soon be better.  P.M. read Phil. 2.  Preached on Ps. 139 v., or indeed the whole Psalm.  2 Exercises in One.  In the Close of the Service propounded Mary Pratt; and appointed a Lecture to young people at the request of the society of young men.

August 27, 1770

1770 August 27 (Monday).  My little Son Elias left us to go to his Brother Cushing’s.  He went with John Arnold in his Waggon to Fitchbourg — and then Mr. Payson is to help him up to Ashburnham.  Brookfield Elias goes to Mr. Samuel Sherman for Flower.  He brings an Hh. for which I am to give 5£ old Tenor of which the Boy carried one Dollar.  P.M. came Mr. Loyd and his wife from Brookfield.  He had been detained there by Indisposition and fowl Weather.  They lodge here.

August 30, 1770

1770 August 30 (Thursday).  Master Hezekiah Taylor here; dines etc.  I preach’d a Lecture to the Society of Young Men, on Luk. VI.25 with much addition and Enlargement of what I delivered formerly on that Text.  Sir Taylor desires to board here.  Neighbour Zebulun Rice calls here.  At Eve Sent by Mr. Francis Whipple, to Mr. Nathaniel Balch, Hatter in Boston, 5 Dollars.  Send also by the same to Mr. John Rogers in Newtown, Sir Taylors Watch; and a Dollar to pay for the mending the Chain etc.  Mrs. Eunice Rice in Travail Pains: Mrs. P________ is Sent for, and is gone all Night.  Mr. Benjamin Fisk and Hannah Maynard (Daughter of Mr. David) were marryed.