April 1, 1768

1768 April 1 (Friday).  Mr. Brown takes my Mare with him to Framingham for Alexander to ride home.  A Time of Difficulty with us by reason of Shortness of Hay — two Cows have calv’d; by the Snow and cold and slender portions of English Hay, fear they will not do well.  We give them the more Meal, of which, through divine Goodness, we have good store.  Sent for Mr. Hezekiah Pratt who comes, and pulls up the weather of one of the Cows; and we prepare Comfry Root and milk, which is given her.  P.M. Mrs. Wheelock so ill as to send for me.  I went, conversed, prayed with her, and may the Lord Pity and hear!  Mr. George Andrews came to See me; was very pleasant and free — stayed and drank Tea with us.  He came for this Special Purpose (I suppose) to ask whether Mr. Fish might preach at his House or at Mr. Daniel Forbes’s where the next family Meeting is appointed or may be at the Meeting House?  I answered yes, at either of them as would be most convenient: or he might preach my Lecture when [illegible] — or I was willing to change with him.

April 3, 1768

1768 April 3 (Sunday).  Read Jer. 14.  Preached on Col. 2.2, carrying on the Subject began on 1 Tim. 3.16.  P.M. read Act. 16.  Preached on Mat. 6.33, with additions.  I chose this (using chiefly an Exposition) on Account of my Son Alexanders beginning the world.  At Eve (upon Desire) I visited Neighbour Joseph Bonds child and prayed there.  Went also to see Mrs. Wheelock and prayed with her; She being in a very weak and dangerous State.

April 4, 1768

1768 April 4 (Monday).  Enoch Rice came to live with Me.  He goes down to the swamp to clear; John with him, and Alexander a.m.  Visit again at Mr. Bonds, the Child yet alive.  Pray there.  Dine also with Mrs. Pratt.  Am called to Mr. Ebenzer Maynards, his son Jesse being extreme bad of a Fever.  Went but he expired before I got there.  Went to Capt. Maynards where were the Committee for settling the County Road.  In returning call at Mr. Nathan Maynards etc.

April 5, 1768

1768  April 5 (Tuesday).  Alex goes up to Mr. Conants prepared to Stay there.  I attended the Funeral of little Jesse Maynard (of 6 years), but hasten from thence in my designed Journey to Oxford (having Mr. John Woods Horse) and purposing to visit Mr. Maccarty.  Call at Capt. Allens, Mr. Sumners, and Capt. Curtis’s.  Found Mr. Maccarty revived and in hopes of Recovery.  Lodged there.

April 6, 1768

1768 April 6 (Wednesday).  Mr. Maccarty better Still, through divine Goodness — and leave him with much satisfaction in my Visit.  Call at Coll. Putnams and consult him, especially on the Nature and Benefit of Mortgages: expecting to assist Alexander to Day in his trading with Mr. Conant.  Call at Justice Brewers to see him, as he lies in a very low, languishing Condition.  Pray with him, and hasten to Coll. Larnards, where I dined — then to Mr. Conants, where Alex was, and expected to proceed in our Affair, So formally agreed upon.  But Mrs. Conant had started, and was set against the Bargain — nor was she, by any means, to be perswaded to give her Consent or sign a Deed.  Her Brother Mr. Joseph Edwards came and used his Endeavours but in Vain.  N.B. old Dr. Burnet there.  Capt. Maynard came that he might be security for, or provide me the present payment.  He goes home with Mr. Ebenezer Lock.  My son and I lodge at Mr. Conants — without doing any Thing.

April 7, 1768

1768 April 7 (Thursday).  The Same Averseness continues in Mrs. Conant.  Both her Brothers John and Joseph Edwards come — to little purpose — for although She was brought to speak as if She consented, yet it went so against her, that I chose to suspend the Matter; and would not run the Venture of another Disappointment.  Capt. Maynard returning from Mr. Locks, was my Company in returning.  I visited at Capt. Griffins.  Dined at Mr. Campbells.  Called at Mr. Bowmans.  Drank Tea at Mr. Hutchinsons (who was come from the Funeral of old Mr. Ebenezer Brooks).  Arrived safe at my own House through divine Favour.  But John was poisoned by working in the Swamp, in which was Dog-Wood.

April 10, 1768

1768 April 10 (Sunday).  Read Jer. 15.  Preached on 1 Joh. 5.20.  This is the true God — but am carrying on the Discourse on 1 Tim. 3.16.  Was afraid I should not have gone through the Exercises, as I had been much afflicted and prevented in my preparations — but I was graciously carryed through.  Read p.m. Act. 17.  Preached on the Duty of parents to pray for their Children.  Used sermon on 1 Chron. 29.19 from page 6.  O may God give His Blessing and give to us and to our Children Perfect Hearts!

April 16, 1768

1768 April 16 (Saturday).  I rode to Mr. Thomas Temple’s to see his Child; and prayed.  Went to Dr. Ball’s where I din’d and Mr. Whitney likewise.  P.M. went to See Mrs. Martyn who is mov’d to her son John’s.  The last came to me with his Fathers Cane, and Said, “Sir, The Heirs present you with this.”  I received it gratefully.  Visit Mr. Michael’s Wife, who has lately lain in, and visit at Mr. Richards, whose Wife expects every Hour.  Returned to Lieutenants.  Supped there on fresh Fish (from Boston I suppose).  Mr. Whitney with me.  An agreeable repast.  Mr. Whitney goes to his lonely House and lodges alone.  I lodge at Lieutenant Martyns.

April 19, 1768

1768 April 19 (Tuesday).  Have Mr. Wheelocks Chaise for Sarah and Suse to ride to Boston; the last to be left there, at Cousen Winters, and her Polly to come hither.  They Sat out p.m.  [illegible], a.m., to Stow.  Called at Mr. Smith’s, who is ill and confined — and at Capt. Jonathan Wood’s at Stow.  All present, but Messrs. Barrett and Smith.  Mr. Loring Moderator and prayed.  I prayed with the Family.  By lodging with Mr. Loring Opportunity is given to Converse again about the Society of devout Women in Boston.  N.B. Mr. Wheeler of Harvard is with us and represents his Grievances.  He is in a low State of Health and his people are desirous to have him dismissed — that they may Settle Mr. John Emerson in his Stead.

April 20, 1768

1768 April 20 (Wednesday).  We reflect upon the Melancholly and Sorrowful Aspects of the present Day; That we used to have Fasts.  We all agree that our next Meetings be turned into Fasts — See Association Minutes for the particular Occasion and who to perform; as well as where.  Mr. Stone preached an Useful sermon at the Lecture on Isa. 46.8, former part, “Remember this, and shew your self Men.”  After Dinner we Separated.  Mr. Stone and Mr. Joseph Willard my Company to Mr. Smith’s, who remains ill.  Arrive in safety except that I have unhappily lost my Saddle Baggs.

April 21, 1768

1768 April 21 (Thursday).  Send John to Marlborough and further if it Shall need, to Enquire for my Saddle Baggs.  He returns with them.  Mr. Smiths servant had carryed them into his House, and forgot to give them to Me or tell me of it.  P.M. I walked to Mr. Solomon Bakers, and got him to go with me to view Mr. Ebenezer Maynards Meadow, which lies by the River, and by or between his Brother David’s.  Went to Capt. Maynards.  Called at Mr. Ebenezer Maynards and had Some Talk with him about his meadow.  He asks old Tenor 750£ for it — lays it at about 8 Acres.  Says he cutts 15 Jaggs of Hay.  We leave it to Consideration.  Mr. Wesson of Marlborough has made me a plough and Sent it home, by Neighbour Thomas Bond.  The Plough and the Plates come to £3.9.9 Old Tenor.

April 24, 1768

1768 April 24 (Sunday).  Read Jer. 16 and preached upon Col. 1.16.17 on the Divinity of our Blessed Saviour.  P.M. Read Act. 18 and gave an Exercise upon it.  O that God would please to add His Blessing!  Appointed the Communion and the Lecture.  Enoch is not with us on the Lord’s Days, but goes to his Fathers, and lodges there.

April 25, 1768

1768 April 25 (Monday).  We are full of the Accounts of the awful Providence last Friday at Marlborough, Silas How, son of the late Gershom How of Marlborough, having hanged himself near Mr. Joseph Strattons.  He had dwelt at Brookfield but last at Leicester.  May the Hand of God be duely regarded!  Neighbour Ebenezer Maynards little son Luther sick of a Fever.  Visit and pray there.

April 26, 1768

1768 April 26 (Tuesday).  Went to the Raising of a large Barn of Mr. Fessendens.  Called at Mr. Maynards — several of his Children sick — Sympathize etc.  Have account of the sorrowful Death of one Mr. Rich of Coi’s-Hill, by the Axletree of a pair of Wheels, crowding him against a Tree, by which he was killed at once.  O that I might be always ready!