May 6, 1767

1767 May 6 (Wednesday).  I rode, though twas somewhat rainy, to Upton; dined at Mr. Fish’s.  Preached the Lecture on 1 Cor. 11.20.  Which may God bless!  Saw the Sorrowful Effects of the late riotous Rage in breaking the Windows, Sashes etc., of the Meeting House there.  I rode to Mendon to See Venerable Mr. Dorr who is now much confined by his Infirmitys and by sickness.  Mr. Fish accompanyed me, but returned home; but I lodged at Mr. Dor’s.  Our Conversation was very much upon the great Difficultys now subsisting in each of our Parishes.  But chiefly whether we shall hold Communion with Mr. Cleavelands, against so many Testimonys born by a great Number the [sic] Pastors of that Neighbourhood, and our own?