October 30, 1766

1766 October 30 (Thursday).  Mr. Goss accompanys me part of my Way.  Dine at Mr. Martyns.  Leave him my Watch to have the Regulator put in.  In going home hear that Mr. Cleaveland preached at Mr. Andrews’ Yesterday.  Am desired to go to Mr. John Fesendens sick Child — and therefore turn up there.  Prayed with them.  Called at Capt. Maynards.  Mrs. Maynard so well as to Sit up and Sew.  Hear that Mr. Joseph Thurston of Brookfield’s Wife is dead.  She was Thankfull Woods of Westborough.  Arriv’d before Night.  Found my Family in safety.  D.G.  Mr. Ezekiel Smith has brought me a Barrell of Cyder.  John works at Mr. Nurse’s.