October 23, 1766

1766 October 23 (Thursday).  Dr. Wigglesworth of Ipswich Hamlet calls.  Calebs Time is out, and having given him two Notes — one of 30£, the other of £7.10, besides what Cash I paid him, he left us, having behaved well, whilst he lived with us.  N.B. I gave Caleb Winch 20£ Old Tenor.  I sat out on my Journey for Townshend.  Called at Mr. Martyns — Mr. Fessenden there.  Dined late at Mr. Harrington’s in Lancaster.  Arrived at Mrs. Stearns’s at Lunenburg where I was kindly received, entertained and lodged.  N.B. a great Entertainment at Dr. Taylors on Occasion of bringing home his Wife — but I was a stranger, and not at it.