October 8, 1766

1766 October 8 (Wednesday).  Undertook a Journey to Brookfield, provided I dont meet with Mrs. P________ on the way, to wait on her home.  Carryed my grand Daughter Mary Forbes with me (in Lt. Bakers Chair).  Break fast at Mr. Sumners.  Dined at Mr. Conklins.  Called at Mr. Eatons.  Arrived at Mr. Forbes’ about sunset.  My Wife was not come from Stafford — but in a little Time she appeared — was brought by Mr. Rob. Watson in Mr. Forbes’s Chaise.  We lodged at Mr. Forbes’s.  Glory to God for His Preserving and restoring Goodness!  Mrs. P. is, in her apprehension, better for going to the famous Spring.  John went ‘o foot to Townshend for my Cattle.