1765 July 1 (Monday). Jonas Kenny mows a little in the Morning for me my Garden Allys and Borders etc. and John went afterwards to Mr. Nurses, to work for him. P.M. Master Cushing (who keeps School at Mr. Tennys) — he tells of great Disquietment among the Church-Members of the North End, by reason of a sermon of Mr. Martyn a sabbath or Two before, which occasioned a Number to go out from the Communion Yesterday. N.B. Deacon Tainter here to invite me, my Wife and Daughter Baldwin to dine there with his Brother and sister Kendal, at his House tomorrow; in our Way to the Private Meeting.
Month: July 1765
July 2, 1765
1765 July 2 (Tuesday). No Body to mow — Thomas being too ill and does not pretend to come. Besides, it proves rainy. My wife and I go to Deacon Tainters and dine there — as aforesaid. But my Daughter was not well enough to go. Preached at Mr. Kendals on Hag. 2.7 from p. 10 to the End. N.B. I have been obliged to send for Grain to Boston. 1 Bush. per Mr. John Wood.
July 3, 1765
1765 July 3 (Wednesday). Sent for more Grain per Mr. Moses Nurse. Mrs. Maynard and her sister Betsy here p.m. Coll. Buckminster in his Way home, called here. Mr. John Wood brings me up 1 Bush. Indian Corn and 49 and 1/2 lbs. Cheese from Mr. Goddards of Weston. The Young Men (of the Society) meet upon Some special Affairs, and since Thomas Arnold is ill, and no other to be hired I mentioned the matter to one of them and he to the rest — who readily consent to come tomorrow Morning.
July 4, 1765
1765 July 4 (Thursday). My Wife and I p.m. visited Mr. Joseph Harrington and his — and then Mr. Whitney and the young People that live there — drank Tea there — but especially may the visit prove to Spiritual Awakening!
July 5, 1765
1765 July 5 (Friday). I perceived that Capt. Griffin of Oxford and his Lady had called here, but we not being at home proceeded to Lieut. Baker. Supposing ‘em to have lodged there, I went up this Morning. They had set out — but I hailed ‘em, and spake with ‘em — but could do no more. At Night came Breck first, and afterwards Billy from Townshend. The Oxen are come home likewise.
July 6, 1765
1765 July 6 (Saturday). At Neighbour Nurse’s. He has brought up from Boston 2 Bush. of Rye, which he had borrowed of me: and 4 Bush. of Indian Corn, for which he gave 21/ per Bush. and asks 5 per Bushel for Carting. Breck mows a little — and p.m. hoes with John at the Island.
July 7, 1765
1765 July 7 (Sunday). Read Song 6 and preached from thence a. and p.m. In p.m. Exercise used more than 2 pages of Sermon on Song 6.12. Read Luk. 1 to v. 39. Mr. Streeton of Waltham, Miss Mary Steward and Mrs. Maynard dined here. At Eve read Mr. Bolton from p. 310 to 328.
July 8, 1765
1765 July 8 (Monday). Mr. Stone (I suppose) is gone to Council at Cold (or as he writes, hot) Spring. Billy and Breck are framing my Corn Barn. Nathan Townsend mowes part of my principal Grass, viz. between the Garden and Meeting-House. Ben. Bryant, brother of late Lemuel Bryant of Braintree, but himself a Sordid Beggar, is here. John tarrys out, at Mill, till almost Midnight.
July 9, 1765
1765 July 9 (Tuesday). Received 36£ old Tenor (4£ 16 L.M.) of Capt. Maynard per my Son John. I returned 3 Dollars which I borrowed of Mr. Wheelock, to Send for Corn by Mr. Nurse. Rode to Lt. Harringtons, Forbes’s — at Deacon Forb. and Bonds etc. At Eve found that Mr. Chamberlin and Mr. Bellows, had each of them Sent a son, who had mowed the remainder of the Lot between the Garden and Meeting House. Billy and Breck are framing.
July 10, 1765
1765 July 10 (Wednesday). Levi Warrin and Joseph Bond come and mow, beyond the Meeting house etc. Townsend works for me again. I bought Grass of Mr. Nurse, for half a Ton of Hay, and Townsend mows it. P.M. T. mowes the rest of the Beeton Lot. After Dinner Billy raises the Corn Barn and that being over, Billy and Breck rake and get in Hay.
July 11, 1765
1765 July 11 (Thursday). Foster has my Oxen (for his Service in killing for me) to fetch a Load of Clay from Mr. Pelatiah Rice’s. I rode over to Ensign Rice’s to buy Hay of him and visit Mrs. Lock, her Husband being confin’d at Worcester. Billy rides to Medfield. Breck works for me. Miss Betsy and Hephzibah.
July 12, 1765
1765 July 12 (Friday). Breck again for me. Fetched Boards and Slit Work from Forbes’s Saw-Mill. Also (by help of Jonas Kenny with him) the Clover I bought of Mr. Moses Nurse and got in the Hay of the West Pasture. P.M. Billy returns and goes to work a while on the corn Barn, but is called off and goes with Dr. Hawes to help move his Barn,
July 13, 1765
1765 July 13 (Saturday). Billy works on the Barn, boarding and Shingling. Breck most of the Day busied about the Hay. At Eve came Mr. Jonathan Moore, from Oxford. Also Mr. Baldwin.
July 14, 1765
1765 July 14 (Sunday). Omitted Reading a.m. through a Mistake about the Chapter out of which Mr. Moore (who preaches for me) took his Text (For I could not read in Course, if I have his Help; because I had prepared something upon that Chapter). Mr. Moore on Is. 63.1, latter part. P.M. I read Luk. 1, latter Division. Mr. Moore on Ps. 145.9.
July 15, 1765
1765 July 15 (Monday). Went to Boston. Sarah rode with me. We had Mr. Wheelocks Chair. Called at Mr. Stones in the Rain. At Coll. Buckminsters who is ill. At Mr. Browns. At Mr. Goddards at Weston. N.B. Paid for 40 lbs. Cheese at 2/9 old Tenor. Got into Town before Dark. My Horse is put up under Brothers Tenants Care. We lodged at Brother Samuels.
July 16, 1765
1765 July 16 (Tuesday). Sent by Mr. Batherick, to Mrs. P________. Paid Mr. Hyslop for a Ream of paper — 5£ 5/. For Montesquieu on the Spirit of Laws, and for a Bible. Paid Mr. Condy 37/6 for 5 magazines. Visit Mrs. Surcomb who had a fit in the meeting House lately. Discoursed with Mr. Jonathan Parsons about my Cleveland Affair. Dined at Procters. Coll. Lydius at Mr. Quincy’s; where I visited him. Visit Cousen Nathaniel. At my Brother P________’s etc. Received from Nat. Procter Scudder, which he has bound for me. Paid him in full, 18/ old Tenor. Lodged at Brother Samuels.
July 17, 1765
1765 July 17 (Wednesday). Mr. Loyd very generous in shooing my Horse round, gratis, and divers other kind services. My Daughter and I rode to Cambridge. Put up Chair and Horse at Mr. Hicks’s. We attended the Commencement. Sir Rice waited on Sarah to his Chamber, and to the Meeting-House. N.B. The largest Class which have ever come out of College. And for the Attendants The greatest Multitude that, I think, I ever saw. The Exercises very entertaining: Especially the English oration, the English Dialogue, and the Anthem at the Close. I dined in the New, Sumptuous Hall. Mr. Loring returned Thanks. Was obliged to deny Mr. Fessendens Request of going to Cape Ann. Supped at Mr. Appletons. Mr. Haven and his Wife, and a son, there. Lodged at Sister Barretts.
July 18, 1765
1765 July 18 (Thursday). My Daughter and I rode up to Lincoln, and dined at Capt. Adams’s. N.B. He signed a Certificat that he had given Deed to Jonathan Parks of half his Rights to Townshend. His two Sons, Joseph, and [blank] who lives with him, were present. We rode to Concord to visit Master Minot and the Doctor. I visited Mr. Bliss. Supped and lodged at the Doctors. Mr. Smith of Marlborough and Mr. Richard Martyn also.
July 19, 1765
1765 July 19 (Friday). Rode to Lt. Joseph Howards to find Jonathan Hill (to whom Mrs. Cutting of Waltham had committed a Bundle for my son William then at Townshend, which never arrived) and found him. He resolves to search after the Bundle. Dine at Mr. Smiths, and tarry till the Cool. We call at Coll. Williams. Tea etc. Arrive Safe at home, through the Great Goodness of God. Sir Biglow, his Mother and sister here, in their way home. Billy has partly coloured the House — but it was so dry, and the Weather so hot, that it has Swallowed up Oyl and Colouring extremely.
July 20, 1765
1765 July 20 (Saturday). Billy Painting the House Still, but much discouraged, by the great Expence and So little sign of Good. John is hilling.
July 21, 1765
1765 July 21 (Sunday). Mr. Martyn and I changed, but were almost melted with the extreme Heat. I preached a.m. on Gal. 1.3, p.m. on Mat. 13.27 [i.e., 13.39], “The Harvest is the End of the World.” Attended the Funeral of old Mrs. McAllister. The Prayer (by Mr. Martyn) was made nigh the Meeting House. I returned.
July 22, 1765
1765 July 22 (Monday). The World is full of Reports concerning the Death of Sarah Brigham, Daughter of Mr. Thomas Brigham, of Marlborough, who had Some terrible Disease, and dyed miserably, not being able to undergo the Salivation She was put into. Her Funeral is to Day. Billy paints part of the Day. Reaps part of p.m. Breck and John Hilling.
July 23, 1765
1765 July 23 (Tuesday). Mr. Richard Kelly mows for me, and Billy with him. Breck and John are Hilling a.m., rake p.m. Mr. Solomon Millers Wife here to be examined.
July 24, 1765
1765 July 24 (Wednesday). Mr. Kelly having lodged here, works again for me to day, and Billy a.m. with him. Breck mows the Barley and works the rest of the Day. Miss Sarah Putnam at work here Several Days for my Daughter Baldwin. Miss Betty Bucknam and her Sister Katy, going to Rutland, call here and dine with us. Towards Night came Mr. Ballantine and his Son (as they were returning home) and lodge here.
July 25, 1765
1765 July 25 (Thursday). In the Morning came old Mr. Dunlop, Mr. Zebulun Rice, Lt. Baker and two Hands with him (a man and a Boy), Mr. Thomas Twitchell, and his son, together with Silas Hill, with their Sickles and reap’d down my Field of Rye. Mr. Ballantine and son leave us. Billy and Breck set out for Townshend: and have my Mare to carry their Luggage. Ensign Josiah Rice here to inform me that I may have a Load of English Hay of him. Nathan Kenny (at my Request) comes to help John Rake in the Meadows. P.M. Jonas likewise here and get in a Load of Hay for me. At Eve I was at Neighbour Pratts for some Help, having no Body to get in my Hay. Hear per Mr. John Green that Capt. Buckminster of Brookfield is dead.
July 26, 1765
1765 July 26 (Friday). [No entry.]
July 27, 1765
1765 July 27 (Saturday). Neighbour Newton with Assistance of Neighbour Charles Rice and son Zebulun took up my Rye, and he brought it in. Neighbour Baker (Capt. Wood allowing him a Hand to work half a Day) fetched me a Load of Hay from Ensign Josiah Rice, for which I am to give him 4 Dollars. Lieutenant also kindly assisted about the Rye.
July 28, 1765
1765 July 28 (Sunday). It grows a dry Time, and the Knoles turn Sear; the Pastures Shrink much, and the late Signs of Rain go over. I preached a.m. on Song 7. Omitted reading the Chapter in form, but gave an Account of it in way of Expository Notes and Reflections. Administered the Lord’s Supper. Mrs. Maynard dined with us. P.M. read Luk. 2 to v. 25 and preached on Ps. 57.7. In the Eve read a Part of Mr. Bolton to my Family, viz. from Sect. 3, part 1, Ch. 1 into Ch. 2. My Daughter Baldwin at meeting a.m., not able to go p.m.
July 29, 1765
1765 July 29 (Monday). Lt. Baker came for his Waggon, but was obliged, first, to draw out the Load of Hay which he brought me from Ensign Rice and Spread it into the Sun, it not having been sufficiently made. John is hilling yet. I am much hindered about the Rice Hay, but John and I get it in.
July 30, 1765
1765 July 30 (Tuesday). I payd Ensign Rice 4 Dollars for his Hay. Mr. Fessenden is returned from Cape Ann. I saw him at Capt. Maynards. He said he would come here, but he went to Mr. Marytns. At Eve Jonathan Cook came to me with a Sorrowful Message from Capt. Maynard that his youngest Child was drowned and dead and prayed me to go over. I went hastily. Found the Child laid out as a Corps. It was little Robert-Breck Maynard in his 16th Month — fell into a Kittle of Wort (not hot) about 4 o’Clock p.m., no one in the room; Hope, the Negro Girl, who had the Care of him, was gone to get Apples: when She came back, She pulled him out — but he expired. May God Sanctifie His holy Hand! I prayed, Counselled them all; supped and then returned.
July 31, 1765
1765 July 31 (Wednesday). My Wife went over to Capt. Maynards. Afterwards they Sent for Suse also. P.M. Mr. Townshend worked for me; at the Barn in moving Hay that Seemed to be Spoiling; and with some Assistance of Enoch Rice, he got up a Load of Hay from the Newton-Meadow — received from Mr. Holbrook.