1765 June 24 (Monday). Went over to Mr. Joshua Biglows and went to Breakfast there: though he was not at home, his Mother (who has been bed rid 18 Years) and his wife (who is Daughter of Deacon Knowlton of Shrewsbury) and his sister were there. N.B. Mr. Reuben Miles came to see me a.m. at Capt. Hoars; and told me he was dissatisfyed with the Church’s proceedings in the Graves Case, but so much having been done already by the Church and by the Council that had been upon it, he did not know but that he must resign. Deacon Joseph Miller came to see me, and he opened more particularly the Difficult part of the Graves Case; so that by hearing both sides, I might be better able to discern the Truth. Repaired to the Meeting House. Waited till 4 o’Clock. I perceived that the whole Number of the Church was 33. N.B. Mr. Marsh and one more member never came. Minutes of the last Church Meeting read by Deacon Miller, their Moderator, by which it appeared that they had chose and sent for me to be Moderator in the Affair now before them. Prayer was made for divine Assistance. It was then enquired whether the Church Stood right and were ripe, to proceed to the Choice and Calling of a Gospel Minister among them. Upon its being intimated that they were (and after I had answered Deacon Holden, and given some Character of Mr. A. Rice), it was asked whether there was any Objection against the Churches going on etc. This was repeated — and it was the 3d Time; and no Objection was made. Then their votes were called for — 28 Votes. Every Vote that was brought, was for Mr. Asaph Rice. Then a Committee was chose to acquaint him with it — and the same are to acquaint the Select Men, that the Town may come together. After prayer and Blessing the Meeting was dissolved. I called to bid farewell to Mr. Marsh. Rode to Chauxit and lodged there.