June 18, 1765

1765 June 18 (Tuesday).  My Daughter Still poorly in the morning.  Having Mr. Samuel Forbushs Mare I visited Several Sick and prayed with them, viz. Mr. Belknap and Kezia Snow.  Thence to Association at Marlborough.  Mr. Goss absent, there was no Concio.  I delivered my Question and its Answer respecting right worshipping God.  Mr. Morse there; he has an hot Contest with Mr. Martyn about the former Controversie with Jotham Bush.  They are perswaded to call in the Assistance of three Brethren in the Ministry, viz. Mr. Gardner, Mr. Harrington and Mr. Maccarty, and if either of them Should fail, then Mr. Smith to be in his room.  They are to Sit at Mr. Martyns this Day three Weeks.  I returned at Evening.  Mr. Fessenden from Gloucester.  Stays at Mr. Smiths.  N.B. There had been this afternoon so great a Storm as to break off the principal of the Branches of one of the Elm Trees before my Door.  At night Mr. Levi Stone of North Sutton, leaves here with me 5 Dollars for Nathan Kenny.