May 3, 1765

1765 May 3 (Friday).  Thomas on the Fences.  Wrote to Master Steward to preach for me the Lords Day before the Election.  Mrs. Hannah Rice (wife of Adonijah) here p.m. but my Wife was from home.  My Sheep So unruly, and So troublesome to Lt. Baker, that he comes at Eve (bringing his F. Wood with him) and fetter them.  Mr. Newton here and desires me to preach at his House next Tuesday.

May 4, 1765

1765 May 4 (Saturday).  Thomas Still repairing the Fences at the Island.  To do which he has my Oxen from Mr. Rice’s and carrys down Posts from here.  Part of p.m. he (and John) dig Stones for the Wall.  Then he leaves us to go to Mr. Grouts.  N.B. Mr. Antipas Steward came at Eve very unexpectedly.  For I Sent a Letter (as above) by Mr. Edward Barns of Marlborough last Evening to Mr. Steward to request his help the Lords Day before the Election — but now by his Coming it looked doubtfull whether I Should have that Favour then, or no: but he was so good as to engage it.  He lodged here.

May 5, 1765

1765 May 5 (Sunday).  I read Eccl. 10.  Mr. Steward preached on Luk. a. and p.m.  May the Lord accompany with His Blessing and reward the Messenger!  Read Mark 11.  N.B. old Mrs. Parmentor So recovered as to come to meeting again; and She dined here.  Besides Repetition read some of Mr. Bolton.

May 6, 1765

1765 May 6 (Monday).  Mr. Steward having lodged here, accompanys me in Visiting first his Uncle Forbes and Aunt Steward and Mr. Kendal, where we dined and prayed (Mr. Steward performed).  I visited Solomon Miller.  We both proceed to See Mrs. Grow — Mr. Daniel Miller — Mr. Thomas Twitchell — but especially Daniel Rice who is Sick.  I prayed there.  We call to see Mrs. Byles.  N.B. We went up to Fay’s Mountain.  Mr. Steward returns to Marlborough.

May 7, 1765

1765 May 7 (Tuesday).  Mr. Henry Barns of Marlborough brought me yesterday 2 Volumes of Dean Swifts Works; with his Life etc.  P.M. preach at Mrs. Newtons on 2 Cor. 13.14.  May God grant His Blessing!  N.B. Sarah to Southborough.  Brings 4 of Mr. Stones Ordination Sermons, with Mr. Greens Charge, and my right Hand.

May 9, 1765

1765 May 9 (Thursday).  Mr. Zebulun Rice has kept my Cattle in his Work till his Hay is done; having denyed Mr. Nurse the Use of them though he had exerted himself So much for me and now resigns them when they go to Grass: But I must hear his Reasons, admit what is ingenuous and over look what is otherwise.

May 15, 1765

1765 May 15 (Wednesday).  Jacob Rice of College, here.  He rides with me to Southborough.  I had Mr. Wheelocks costly Horse.  We dined at Mr. Stones.  I preached The Lecture from Mat. 26.48.  Returned at Eve.  N.B. Rev. Mr. William Goodard from Westmoreland, accompanyed.  At Eve Capt. Maynard here and pays Me only £13.6.8 Lawful Money.  Says much of Disappointment.  Thomas and John plow.

May 16, 1765

1765 May 16 (Thursday).  Thomas and John plow a.m.  P.M. furrow out.  As I brought Mr. Hutchinsons History of Massachusetts Bay from Mr. Stones yesterday, to Day I was much employed in it: yet was much taken up about my Affairs in the Field, walking into Several parts of our Neighbourhood to forward the Business.

May 17, 1765

1765 May 17 (Friday).  Thomas and John furrow out.  Several Lads came to assist in getting out Muck and placing it in the Hills.  Neighbour Levi Warrin sends Benjamin Ball and Benjamin Whitney; Mr. Tainter Sends Jonathan Forbes.  They dine here.  P.M. Mr. Ebenezer Maynard came and assists in planting and Mr. Hezekiah Pratt sends John Rogers.  Mr. Elijah Warrins wife came and lodged here.

May 20, 1765

1765 May 20 (Monday).  Hired Dr. Haws Chair, and Put my Mare to draw.  Mrs. P________ with me, undertook a Journey to Boston.  Called at Mr. Gales, Collector, who payd me 80£ old Tenor.  Called at Mr. Stones, but dined at Coll. Buckminsters.  P.M. reached to Mr. Nathaniel Goddards and drank Tea.  Arrived at Mr. Cushings at Waltham and there lodged.

May 21, 1765

1765 May 21 (Tuesday).  At Boston put up at Mr. Holbrooks, who had good Convenience for Horse and Chair.  Went to Major Marshalls to get a Coat — but did not determine, his newly arrived Goods not opened.  We dined at Brother Samuels, Mr. Hutchinson of Grafton with us.  N.B. My Brother induces both Mr. Hutchinson and me to Suspend our buying New Coats — by reason of the Cheapness of black Coats at Vendues; and offers me one of his own at a low rate.  P.M. I went to Major Marshalls and told him I Should wave the Matter for the present: and So put by having a Coat of him.  McAlpine binds a few of Mr. Edwards’s Pieces for me.  At Evening Mr. Holbrook carrys me to a Singing Meeting at Mr. Thompsons, in Seven starr lane.  Return with Mr. Holbrook in his Chaise and lodge there.  Mrs. P________ lodges, I suppose, at the North End.

May 22, 1765

1765 May 22 (Wednesday).  Mrs. P________ lodged last night at Brother Samuels and was in Trouble that I did not go there to her.  They sat up late for me.  Samuel rides my Horse to Westborough.  Visit Cousen Nathaniels Daughter Sarah who is in a Consumption.  Dined at Brother P________ and at Eve preached there on Gal. 1.3.  We also lodged there.  N.B. I had visited Cousen Oliver etc.

May 23, 1765

1765 May 23 (Thursday).  In the morning Mr. Pemberton sends to me to Preach the public Lecture for him — but I declined it.  Attended his.  His Text, Heb. 2.3.  Mr. Surcomb had invited us to dine with him to Day.  I went from Lecture.  Mrs. P________ was carry’d from Mr. Holbrooks.  We dined handsomely and Spend the Afternoon there — Mr. Holbrook and his Wife with us.  At Eve Mr. Surcomb sent his Servant and Chaise with us to Brother Samuels where we lodged.

May 26, 1765

1765 May 26 (Sunday).  I Suppose Mr. Antipas Steward preaches for me at Westborough.  I preached for young Mr. Checkley, at the old North, Boston, on 1 Joh. 1.7 and was at Communion with them at the Lords Supper.  After which I dined at Mr. Pembertons.  Preached for him p.m. on Eph. 1.3.  May God give His Blessing and pardon my Defects and Miscarriages, for His Mercys sake in Jesus Christ!  We lodged at Brother Samuels.

May 27, 1765

1765 May 27 (Monday).  N.B. having on the 22d settled my Account with Brother Samuel Paid him the Ballance in full.  I lent him, besides, 50£ old Tenor.  Visit poor Sarah Parkman, almost daily — and often pray with her.  My Kinsman seems to be a good deal affected with this Providence: which I wish may fasten upon him.  He is generous enough to make me a present of an handsome walking staff, Suitably ornamented.  We dined at Mr. Procters (at the Alms House).  Leaving my wife there, Mr. Procter and I visit Mr. Foxcroft.  I visited also my old Friend Mr. [Samuel?] Kneeland, printer, who is in a very low Condition.  Mr. President Edwards’s Life is published.  At Mr. Holbrooks at Evening — but lodged at the Alms House.

May 28, 1765

1765 May 28 (Tuesday).  Prayed in the morning, in the Hall, with the miserables.  Visit Mr. Byles — his wife with him — but looks like a poor ruined Woman.  Mr. Byles and I go to Mr. Johonnots and dine there.  Mr. Millen also, of Chauxit.  P.M. Mr. Millen and I visit old Mr. Checkley.  Thence to Dr. Chauncey’s, but he was not at home — nor was Mr. Cooper.  Go into Mr. Johnsons Engraver and painter.  At Eve at Brother P________ where was Mr. Fish of Upton — going by Water to George’s in the Eastern Country.  We lodged at Mrs. Winters.

May 29, 1765

1765 May 29 (Wednesday).  In the Early Morning at Mrs. Brecks to Speak with Brother Breck of Springfield, concerning Dr. Samuel Brecks Effects, and the administration etc.  Mr. Eliot preached the Election Sermon on 1 Chron. 12.32.  Dined in Fanuil-Hall.  N.B. Mr. Martyn with me.  P.M. attended the Convention.  Was chose Scribe.  Very little done besides reviewing the Accounts and choosing Dr. Chauncy to preach to morrow, Mr. Prentice being ill and Mr. Eliot, unprepared.  Visit Cousen Salt; where I meet Mrs. P________.  At Eve at Mr. Gill’s.  Lodged at Brother P________s.

May 30, 1765

1765 May 30 (Thursday).  Early in the Morning, according to appointment, Meet Mr. Stone, who goes with me to Capt. Smith’s — Haberdasher — where I bought a second hand Bever Hat, for 4£ old Tenor.  Thence we walked into the Common, and to Mr. Holbrooks.  Attended the Convention.  Dr. Chauncy preached, on Act. 8.5.  In the midst of the sermon, a Cry of Fire.  The Collection was 225£ old Tenor — and Some odd Money.  Although I had engaged to Mr. Mather, yet by reason of writing for the Convention, I was forced to dine at Dr. Sewalls.  Messrs. Loring, Stephen Williams, Stone etc. and Mr. Justice Quincy with us.  P.M. have so many Things to attend upon in preparing for my Journey home, that I desired to be excused from attending any further at the Convention.  N.B. People are flocking to the Free-Mason Hall to hear Mr. Sandeman, who preaches there.  Was at Mr. Surcombs, but both he and his Wife gone to Mr. Stillmans Lecture.  Mr. Maccarty urges me to go to his uncle Newman Greenoughs, where I Supped.  N.B. My son Samuel is returned from Westborough and tells me Billy has been at Home.  We lodged again at Brother P________’s.  N.B. He has delivered me 20£ old Tenor in part of Rent for Mother’s House.

May 31, 1765

1765 May 31 (Friday).  We Broke fast at the Alms House — and were going to Mr. Holbrooks (where my Mare was kept) to mount, when Mr. Surcomb came, and engaged us to return to his House.  We were obliged (irresistably) to go — but it was not to our Loss.  He and his Wife loaded us with presents — Tea, Bread, Wine, Cane Spirits, Bear — to carry home with us.  May God reward such Kindness and Bounty!  N.B. At Mr. Holbrooks Saw and conversed with Mr. James Chandler of Rowley, who tells me he is Dissatisfyed with Mr. Cleaveland and cant hold Communion with him.  N.B. I have received of Brother Samuel a Black Coat, which he setts at only 10£ old Tenor and we take up 10£ more in his Shop — so that he gives me a Note of only 30£ old Tenor — this upon Demand.  We take Leave of all, and go to Cambridge — to get my Copy of Father Brecks Will Examined and attested — which was done by Mr. Boardman and paid for.  Visit Brother Champney — and Sisters — but we dined at Capt. Marrett’s; where dwells my Sister Swain.  I have borrowed the 2d Volume of Dr. Doddridge’s Expositor of Mrs. Winter.  P.M. forward our Journey.  Call at Mr. Storers.  Reach to Mr. Browns at Framingham and lodge there.