June 1, 1765

1765 June 1 (Saturday).  Left my Beaver Hat (for which I gave a Guinea to Capt. Maynard, Some time agoe) with Alexander and took what I had bought for him, home with me.  Called at Coll. Buckminsters.  (N.B. Mr. Bridge who lately met with some Disaster and broke his Collar Bone, is not at home, but is gone to Dr. Adams at Waltham.)  We dined at Mr. Stones.  Finally through the Great Goodness of God arrived at our own House in safety and found all we left, well.  But my Daughter Baldwin is here not well.  Several Children in the Neighbourhood have dyed — viz. Mr. Tainters young Child, a Daughter, Mr. Benjamin Garfields, and Mr. Richard Kellys.  I find that Mr. Steward preached last Lords Day: and that a variety of Company have been here — Messrs. Fessenden, John Marrett etc.

June 4, 1765

1765 June 4 (Tuesday).  Rode over to Mr. Martyns and dined there.  N.B. prepared an Account of Dr. Brecks Credit etc., inclose it, with the Will in a Letter for Brother Breck and leave it at Lt. Martyns and go my self to Marlborough and leave Word at Coll. Williams that Mr. Breck may know what I have done.  Mr. Smith is at the Colls. and gives me fresh Intelligence from Chebacco.  I returned home at Eve.

June 9, 1765

1765 June 9 (Sunday).  Read Solomons Song 2.  Preached on Mat. 18.10.  Administered the holy Supper.  Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Hardy of Brookfield dined here.  P.M. I read Mark 14 from v. 32.  Delivered the remainder of Discourse on Song 1.8.  N.B. Sundry Separates at Meeting — viz. Mr. James Fay of Hardwick; Mr. Josiah Woods and wife, of Summers.

June 11, 1765

1765 June 11 (Tuesday).  Mr. Townshend (William Blair) of Boston and Mr. Roberts of Leicester, call here.  Mr. Roberts tells me he has bought the Farm in Weston that was Coll. Fullam.  Thomas and John finish their Weeding by noon; and work p.m. for Neighbour Nurse.  P.M. Mr. Boynton of Byfield here, going to Connecticut.  My Daughter Baldwin but in a poor State.  May god graciously look upon her state and prepare her, and each of us, for His holy Will!

June 12, 1765

1765 June 12 (Wednesday).  Got Mr. Wheelocks Chair, and Mrs. Forbes and I drove to her Brother Kendalls.  Prayed with him and dined there: then made a Visit to Mr. Tainter under their Bereavement (they having lately lost their little Daughter) and may God please to sanctify it to them!  At Eve Sent my Scudders daily Walk, by Elisha Forbes, to Mr. Nat. Procter of Boston to be New bound.

June 13, 1765

1765 June 13 (Thursday).  Catechized at the Meeting House both a. and p.m.  Had 57 Boys and 33 Girls.  May the Lord bless my poor weak Labours for their everlasting profit!  Mr. Forbes, Jemmy Dean and Joshua Winter from Boston and lodge here.  Mr. Forbes informs me of the great stir in Boston about the Indian Minister, Mr. Sampson Occum, and especially the Disquietment between Mr. Pemberton and the Committee of his Meeting House, about his preaching last Lords Day.

June 14, 1765

1765 June 14 (Friday).  Lucy has had a very poor Night and is very low this Morning.  Vomits very much.  I send for Dr. Hawes, who comes.  He determines to consult Dr. Wilson to Day upon her Case; for he is to meet him at Ensign Snows.  Mr. Forb. and wife, Jemmy and Joshua, leave us for Brookfield.  Yesterday and to Day Thomas and John cleared at the Island.

June 15, 1765

1765 June 15 (Saturday).  Lucy was Somewhat better yesterday p.m. and Slept pritty well the last Night, till about Break of Day — but then grew very ill again; Vomits frequently this morning.  Dr. Hawes again — and She ceases to Vomit — is revived when She gets up.  P.M. Mrs. Rebecca Warrin of Upton.  Mr. John Wood brings me 1/4 Hundred of Sugar from Brother Samuels and a Ream of Paper, which I buy of Mr. Hyslop — price 5£ 5/ old Tenor.

June 18, 1765

1765 June 18 (Tuesday).  My Daughter Still poorly in the morning.  Having Mr. Samuel Forbushs Mare I visited Several Sick and prayed with them, viz. Mr. Belknap and Kezia Snow.  Thence to Association at Marlborough.  Mr. Goss absent, there was no Concio.  I delivered my Question and its Answer respecting right worshipping God.  Mr. Morse there; he has an hot Contest with Mr. Martyn about the former Controversie with Jotham Bush.  They are perswaded to call in the Assistance of three Brethren in the Ministry, viz. Mr. Gardner, Mr. Harrington and Mr. Maccarty, and if either of them Should fail, then Mr. Smith to be in his room.  They are to Sit at Mr. Martyns this Day three Weeks.  I returned at Evening.  Mr. Fessenden from Gloucester.  Stays at Mr. Smiths.  N.B. There had been this afternoon so great a Storm as to break off the principal of the Branches of one of the Elm Trees before my Door.  At night Mr. Levi Stone of North Sutton, leaves here with me 5 Dollars for Nathan Kenny.

June 19, 1765

1765 June 19 (Wednesday).  Mr. Fessenden dined here.  P.M. He and I went over to Capt. Maynards.  While I was there Mr. Josh. Biglow from Westminster came with a Request from the Church there, that I would go there to be moderator of a Meeting for the Choice of a Minister, next Monday 3 p.m. and he delivered me a Letter from Mr. Asaph Rice, Candidate, to come; and with his own Desire, that I would change with him next Lords Day.  Having weighed these, I consented (with Submission to Providence).  Mr. Fessenden returns with me and lodges here.  Thomas Arnold with Capt. Woods oxen p.m. fetches 3 Load of the Soaked Ashes from the Potash works.

June 20, 1765

1765 June 20 (Thursday).  Mr. Wellman, returning from St. Johns, calls here.  Tells me Mr. Hobby of Reading dyed on Tuesday, and is to be buryed to day.  My Son Baldwin; and dines here.  Thomas fetches 3 Load more of Ashes etc.  Catechetical Exercise.  31 Young Women.  We began at Question 55.  We are to begin next Time at Question 59.

June 22, 1765

1765 June 22 (Saturday).  Thomas and John hoeing.  I rode to Westminster.  Had Lt. Tainters Horse.  In my way, Called at Mr. Billings’s.  Dined at Mr. Morse’s, where was Mr. Asaph Rice going to Westborough.  P.M. called at Mr. Millens but he was gone to Worcester.  Arrived at Capt. Daniel Hoar’s at Evening but very Wet.

June 23, 1765

1765 June 23 (Sunday).  Mr. Asaph Rice preached for me — on [blank].  I preached at Westminster, a.m. on Gal. 1.3, p.m. on Col. 1.7.  Epaphro’s — a faithful Minister of Christ — Preparatory to the Choice tomorrow.  I dined at Capt. Hoar’s, but after Meeting I made a visit to Mr. Marsh; hoping it might be of Service.  He was Sociable and hospitable.  I drank Tea there.  He invited me Strongly to tarry all Night — and though I denyed, they put out my Horse — but I returned to Capt. Hoars and lodged there.

June 24, 1765

1765 June 24 (Monday).  Went over to Mr. Joshua Biglows and went to Breakfast there: though he was not at home, his Mother (who has been bed rid 18 Years) and his wife (who is Daughter of Deacon Knowlton of Shrewsbury) and his sister were there.  N.B. Mr. Reuben Miles came to see me a.m. at Capt. Hoars; and told me he was dissatisfyed with the Church’s proceedings in the Graves Case, but so much having been done already by the Church and by the Council that had been upon it, he did not know but that he must resign.  Deacon Joseph Miller came to see me, and he opened more particularly the Difficult part of the Graves Case; so that by hearing both sides, I might be better able to discern the Truth.  Repaired to the Meeting House.  Waited till 4 o’Clock.  I perceived that the whole Number of the Church was 33.  N.B. Mr. Marsh and one more member never came.  Minutes of the last Church Meeting read by Deacon Miller, their Moderator, by which it appeared that they had chose and sent for me to be Moderator in the Affair now before them.  Prayer was made for divine Assistance.   It was then enquired whether the Church Stood right and were ripe, to proceed to the Choice and Calling of a Gospel Minister among them.  Upon its being intimated that they were (and after I had answered Deacon Holden, and given some Character of Mr. A. Rice), it was asked whether there was any Objection against the Churches going on etc.  This was repeated — and it was the 3d Time; and no Objection was made.  Then their votes were called for — 28 Votes.  Every Vote that was brought, was for Mr. Asaph Rice.  Then a Committee was chose to acquaint him with it — and the same are to acquaint the Select Men, that the Town may come together.  After prayer and Blessing the Meeting was dissolved.   I called to bid farewell to Mr. Marsh.  Rode to Chauxit and lodged there.

June 25, 1765

1765 June 25 (Tuesday).  Mr. Millen presents me with his sermon on Sebastian Smith.  Dined at Mr. Morse’s — where was Mr. Rice.  I transcribed the Minutes of the Meeting and delivered them to him for Deacon Miller.  N.B. Mr. Rice is the sixth Candidate the Church in Westminster have given a Call to, since the Dismission of Mr. Marsh.  Messrs. Dix, [T.?] Frink, P. T. Smith, Samuel Cotton, Wythe, before him.  Returned home.  May God be praised who has preserved and succeeded me!  And that my Family is in Peace!  Miss Sally Putnam has been here some Time making stays.  My Daughter Baldwin, better.  Thomas Arnold is ill and does not come this Week.  N.B. Hear that Mr. Abraham Beemans House was broke open last Sabbath.