September 2, 1764

1764 September 2 (Sunday).  Preached at Southborough on Heb. 4.9 a.m., which I followed with another Discourse p.m. on Heb. 4, v. 11.  Mr. Stone preached again on Ps. 9.20 and p.m. on Jam. 2.19.  N.B. my Horse (which was Mr. Moses Nurse’s) ran home last Night, and Mr. Stone led back my own mare; but so late I could not return home.  But visited and prayed with Capt. Jonathan Ward who is sick.

September 4, 1764

1764 September 4 (Tuesday).  Private Meeting at Old Deacon Forbush’s, or Kendalls.  I preached there on 1 Tim. 6.12.  Deacon Bond, one of the select men, gives an Account of what they did about the Sick man, over upon the Great Road.  He lies at Bartlets, and is taken Care of.  The Lord Sanctifie this Providence to us and prepare for His will!  We hear that Brother Brecks Barn was burnt by Lightning last Thursday Night.

September 5, 1764

1764 September 5 (Wednesday).  Neighbour John Wood has my Mare to go in his Waggon to Boston.  I have his Fathers Horse to go to a Fast at Hopkinton, at the House of Capt. Townsend, on account of his Mother, an aged Woman, in great Spiritual Distress.  Mr. Frost prayed, Mr. Stone preached on Ps. 51.17 a.m.  P.M. Mr. Barrett prayed, and I preached.  My Text Rev. 22.17.  I went to Mr. Barretts after Exercises; but returned home at Eve.  N.B. Mr. Adams ordained at Lunenbourg, and Billy is gone to it.

September 6, 1764

1764 September 6 (Thursday).  I walked over to t’other House and to Capt. Maynards.  Got him to go down to Rutters Brook and to the Meadow which I have bought of him there: having appointed to meet Mr. Andrews there.  We went all there accordingly and the Captain Shewed us our Bounds.  We agreed about the Fence — that my part should be the upper End; and Mr. Andrews consented to have my Fence set upon the North Bank of the Brook.  Mr. Fessenden from Dunstable, but last from Ordination at Lunenbourg.  Supped and lodged here.

September 8, 1764

1764 September 8 (Saturday).  Mr. Wood sends my Mare home in the morning.  N.B. Lt. Lock, at my Desire, sends a Letter to Messrs. Edes and Gill to change the Place of the News Paper — from Johonnots to Mrs. Clarks.  Lydia has been with us for some Days; but is now not well and goes to Dr. Ball to be blooded.  Billy returned from Fitchbourg.  Has got a man there to work for him.

September 9, 1764

1764 September 9 (Sunday).  A.M. read Prov. 18 and preached on Mat. 16.20.  Master Cushing dines here as usual.  P.M. read Mat. 25 to v. 30.  Preached on Cant. 8.5.  Was somewhat fervent.  May God grant we may See plainly what a Wilderness we are in, while in our Natural State!  In the Evening instead of usual Repetition, read in Mr. Bolton on right comforting afflicted Consciences, Sect. 1, part 1, Ch. X.XI.XII.

September 11, 1764

1764 September 11 (Tuesday).  Mr. Kendal and his Brother Tainter with 3 Boys, Oxen, Horse and Ploughs, came kindly, and plowed stubble at my island.  Sent p.m. for Neighbour Zebulon Rice to help in driving and clearing the plough.  All Gratis.  John brings news from Mill (where he goes again to Day) that the Man who had the Small Pox at Bartlets is dead and was buryed last sabbath.

September 12, 1764

1764 September 12 (Wednesday).  It proves a very Stormy Time.  I am thankful I have so many Comforts, and pity those who are exposed.  Not only my Neighbour Nurse is gone to Boston with a Waggon, but his Sister Williams very much disordered in Body and weak in Mind, and one of her Daughters, attended by Nathan Kenny are gone to Dr. Samuel Wheat.  I am a good deal concerned for them.  Lydia David here Still, and Spins with Sarah.

September 13, 1764

1764 September 13 (Thursday).  The storm continues, but not so great as yesterday.  Mr. A. Nurse helps me form another plank-step for the Pulpit.  P.M. Capt. Wood here.  Towards Night my son Baldwin from Boston.  Tells us his Wife is very much out of Health yet, and is at Dr. Frink’s at Rutland: and the Child is at Nurse at Noah Hardys at Brookfield.  He lodges here.

September 15, 1764

1764 September 15 (Saturday).  Nathan Kenny and Ebenezer Maynard junior help John in Cutting and Picking up stalks: and they finish that Work.  Mr. Beeton here, complaining again of A. Bruce’s unreasonable Denying and refusing to let him enter into my House, to live there, notwithstanding my Consent that he should.  Billy at Eve says a Load of Beetons Goods went by the House, and were lodged at Capt. Maynards.  Strange stubbornness!

September 16, 1764

1764 September 16 (Sunday).  See Natal.  Read Prov. 19.  Preached a. and p.m. on Cant. 85.  P.M. read Mat. 25.3.  O that God would accompany His Word and Ordinances with a divine Influence!  Master Cushing and Mr. Hastings of Shrewsbury (who is deaf) with his Wife, dined here.  P.M. he sat in the Pulpit.  At Eve I read in the Family part of Dr. Doddridges Sermon on Mat. 11.23.

September 17, 1764

1764 September 17 (Monday).  Visit Mrs. Hardy (Phinehas’s Wife) who is languishing.  Pray with her.  She has much Hope concerning her spiritual State.  I dined there.  Then visit Mrs. Grout (Josephs wife) who is also in a Weak state.  I proceeded to Mr. Daniel Nurse’s, Mr. N. Ball’s, and to the widow Smith’s.  At the last House (by Mr. Balls forwarding it), I prayed after we had sung part of a Psalm.  Returned at Eve.  N.B. my Wife had visited at Bruce’s and She had many Things to Say of the Great Clash which Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Bruce had this afternoon upon Beeton’s Account.  And Billy comes over with an Errand from Beeton to desire me to do something though I can’t tell what, to perswade Bruce.  The Lord pity ‘em under their miserable Circumstances and Temptations!

September 19, 1764

1764 September 19 (Wednesday).  Mr. Barns and I went to the Meadow I had of Capt. Maynard that I might direct him in setting up my Part of the Fence between Mr. Andrews and me.  Mr. Fessenden from Dunstable, and dines here.  The Noise is about Lt. Bakers Case with sherriff Collins at the Superior Court.  P.M. I rode to Mr. Tainters.  N.B. Great Plenty of Peaches there.  I brought home many for Pickling.  Dr. Crosby here.  At Eve Mr. Tainter and his wife — Lt. Ward also, and Sundry others.

September 23, 1764

1764 September 23 (Sunday).  A.M. read Prov. 20.  Preached on Cant. 8.5.  Mr. Cushing and Miss Mary Steward dined here.  P.M. read Mat. 26 to v. 35.  Preached on Rom. 7.7 and used Some of my Notes on the 10th Commandment.  The Select Men who were of our Congregation were called to go to the North End, on occasion of one of the Children of Mr. Jotham Bartlet, a youth of about 14, who ‘tis thought has the small Pox.

September 26, 1764

1764 September 26 (Wednesday).  I rode south.  Was at Deacon Bonds.  Much Said about Mrs. Andras.  [Same came?] for me.  Mr. Martyn and wife and Mrs. Williams of Marlborough and Daughter here.  Dine with us.  At Night am called to go up to little Polly Wood.  Went and prayed etc.  She seems to be just gone.  N.B. Capt. Fays Conv[ersatio?]n the Discourse Mrs. Andras.

September 27, 1764

1764 September 27 (Thursday).  Deacon Tainter here.  His Son Supplys me with a Quarter of Beef.  Weighs 82 lbs.  Part with 40 lb. to Neighbour Lock.  Deacon Cutts our Beef out.  He dines with us.  P.M. Mrs. Maynard visits us.  Also Mrs. Cushing and Mrs. Morse of Shrewsbury: the latter with her young Child, Annis.  They lodge here, as does Master Cushing.  N.B. Mr. Bowman here — informs me that Oxford has met and added 500£ old Tenor to his Settlement.  N.B. Polly Wood dyed this Morning.

September 28, 1764

1764 September 28 (Friday).  Mrs. Cushing and Mrs. Morse left us, to go and dine at Capt. Maynards and then return home.  Mrs. Warrin of Upton (Bekky) din’d with us — as did Misses Judith and Joanna Stone.  P.M. Funeral of Mr. John Woods little Polly.  The Lord sanctify it!  Mrs. Parker, widow Newton and Mrs. Bowman here.  Mr. Fessenden and his Mother.  The last 7 drank Tea here, and the two last lodged here.

September 29, 1764

1764 September 29 (Saturday).  I had an ill night with pained Bowels and lax.  Mr. Fessenden goes to Prince Town — but waits on his mother to his Brother Johns.  Samuel leaves us to go to Framingham in his way to Boston.  N.B. One Mr. Anderson Dana, a Drover, from Ashford, desires to leave a tired and lame shoat here till he comes back from Boston: or will sell it @ 3 Coppers per lb. alive.

September 30, 1764

1764 September 30 (Sunday).  Read Prov. 21 and preached on Rom. 7.7, repeating another Sermon on the 10th Commandment.  For I was interrupted by Company Every Day of the week, so that I could not prepare for both parts of the Day.  But p.m. having read Mat. 26 from v. 36 to the End, I preached on Mat. 16.21.  Master Cushing and Mr. Fessendens Mother dined here.  N.B. I read Mr. Benjamin Mixer’s Petition for a Contribution for Joseph Joslin — and left to the Consideration of the whole Congregation but up to the Deacons and the Committee.  Read a Letter from the East Church in Yarmouth to desire our Assistance in the Ordination of Mr. Nathan Stone junior.  N.B. See my young Oxen from Brookfield this morning but know not who brought ‘em home.