1764 October 1 (Monday). Much interrupted and disturbed by the breaking in of Sheep and Hoggs (my own) into my Field. P.M. had Lieutenant Bakers two Yoke of Oxen to join with my own two Yoke to plow stubble at Cook Island. Nathan and Jonas Kenny helped me; and my John and Natty Chamberlin were also with the Team. N.B. Messrs. Daniel Forbes and Daniel junior’s wives made us a Visit — and each brought a Cheese. Send by Mr. Nathaniel Ball for my Mare from Boston which Samuel rode on.
Month: October 1764
October 2, 1764
1764 October 2 (Tuesday). Still very much afflicted by in-breaking to the Fields. Towards Eve rode to Deacon Bonds. N.B. we do not meet without something of Mrs. Andrews. At Eve Deacon Tainter here. Very kind and ready to help me. May God graciously reward him!
October 3, 1764
1764 October 3 (Wednesday). I expected Mr. Maccarty to preach my Lecture but he came not. Preached my self on Joh. 19.34. Stopped the Church to acquaint them with Deacon Bonds Request that the Church would excuse him from going to Yarmouth Ordination because the general Court is prorogued to the 10th and he (a member of it) must attend it. The Church accepted it, and voted to Send another. They chose Brother Gale. The Church also, by vote, left the money lately contributed for Vessels, to the Discretion of the Deacons. N.B. Mr. Nathaniel Ball returns from Boston, but does not bring my Mare. Soon came my Cousen Nathaniel on her. He has been sick and is Still in a Weak Condition. Mr. Green leaves me only 2 Dollars in Cash.
October 4, 1764
1764 October 4 (Thursday). I walked over to Capt. Maynards. Called at t’other House, in returning. Continually interrupted. Write, and Send, to Mr. Jonathan Moore of Oxford, to preach for me, while I am gone to Ordination. Capt. Fay and Son came with a Team to get in my Corn. There came many more to get it in and husk it: and they Sup with us. They are, in all, 28. After returning Thanks, we sang part of Ps. 4 in Tate and Brady. But we need to be humble for the Frown of providence in the lightness of the Crop.
October 5, 1764
1764 October 5 (Friday). Jonas Kenny helps John in sorting and Spreading the Corn. Very few Baskets fit to grind. Mr. John Bo[yle?] of Oxford leaves a man’s and a womans Saddle here for Mr. Ebenezer Cutler, merchant at Oxford. At Eve came Mr. Wyeth, who tarrys with us.
October 6, 1764
1764 October 6 (Saturday). Mr. Stones son Thomas with a Letter. He goes on Horseback — next Tuesday Morn 9 o’Clock. I Sent a Return by the Same. Mr. Wyeth goes to See some of the Neighbours — dines at Mr. Ebenezer Forbush’s. He leaves us p.m. N.B. Mr. Michael Martyn came for the Saddles brought yesterday and had ‘em.
October 7, 1764
1764 October 7 (Sunday). Read Prov. 22. Sung Ps. 29, two first stanza’s. Preached on Ps. 116.14. Administered the Lords supper. N.B. four New Tankards which the Deacons have bought last week. Master Cushing and Mrs. Maynard dined with us. P.M. omitted public Reading: but preached again on Rom. 7.7, repeating (with some few Variations) some of Expositions on the 10th Commandment. N.B. So many interruptions and avocations again by Lecture, Harvest, Company etc. last week, that I could prepare only one Sermon, to my great Grief and Trouble. N.B. Mr. Gale desired the Church might be stopped that he might speak with them and he was excused. But we met with so much Difficulty in choosing Deacon Tainter who was however chose, that I could not but make a reprehesive Remark.
October 8, 1764
1764 October 8 (Monday). My Kinsman goes to Capt. Maynards and brings from thence a Beaver Hat, which I consented to give a Guinea for, on Mr. Moses Nurse’s Account. My Concern respecting my Journey, was Great. Money very much Wanting, and Several other necessary Things also.
October 9, 1764
1764 October 9 (Tuesday). The Time is come that I must undertake my Journey — but must herein break through Several, and No small, Difficultys: leaving my affairs under God with my Wife. Rode to Mr. Stones, where I met with Mr. Smith. We went to Mr. Bridge’s and dined there. P.M. was obliged to part with my Company, they choosing to go through Dedham, while I was obliged to go through Roxbury. N.B. Mr. Joseph Collins of Southborough my Company part of the way. Arrived at Mr. Adams’s, where I expected to have received from my Brother Samuel a Pair of Leather Breeches, according to his Letter to me last week — but was sadly disappointed. Lodged there.
October 10, 1764
1764 October 10 (Wednesday). Rainy morning. Mr. Adams is going to Falmouth to the Ordination of Mr. Samuel Dean. I proceed to Mr. Bowmans — thence to Mr. Ezra Welds in Braintree, where I was met by Messrs. Stone and Smith, as we had agreed yesterday: and dined there. P.M. to Weymouth and Hingham. Lodged at Mr. Gays.
October 11, 1764
1764 October 11 (Thursday). Sat out from Mr. Gays — called at Mr. Shutes — dined at Mr. Barns’s — but it was too late for us to reach Plymouth. Lodged at Mr. Rands.
October 12, 1764
1764 October 12 (Friday). Arrived at the antient Town of Plymouth. N.B. Mr. Thomas Mayhew merchant very obligingly waits upon Mr. Smith and me to their Golgotha. N.B. No Minister buryed there, but Mr. Little. Go into their Principal Meeting House — visit Mr. Bacon, and Mr. Robbins. Dined with the last. Bought two Gallons of Angelica-Water of Mr. [blank] Foster. Mr. Smith paid for it — 3£ 10 old Tenor. At Eve arrive at Sandwich and lodge at Mr. Williams’s.
October 13, 1764
1764 October 13 (Saturday). Leaving Mr. Smith at Sandwich, to preach for Mr. Williams, Mr. Stone and I proceed to Barnstable — dine at my dear Friends Mr. Green’s. N.B. Mr. Joseph Mayhew from Nantucket there. N.B. a young Gentleman (Mr. Lewis of Eastham’s son) now from Boston, tells us there are Letters from the Agent Mauduit, of Dark Cloud hanging over the Colonys, and the heavyest part of it, on the Massachusetts. Mr. Stone goes on his Journey, and intends to preach at Mr. Cheevers[1] Parish at Eastham. I tarry at Mr. Greens.
[1]Edward Cheever (1717-1794), Harvard 1737; SHG 10:124-26.
October 14, 1764
1764 October 14 (Sunday). Preach at Barnstable for Mr. Green a. and p.m. on Jer. 50.7, last Clause. Mr. Greens son, wife and Family live there at his Fathers: and he goes from thence, this Morning to his People and returns at Evening. N.B. Their Custom is to have no sett Dinner but sup early and plentifully after Meeting.
October 15, 1764
1764 October 15 (Monday). A.M. Mr. Green conducts me to the Fish-Flakes etc. Mr. Mayhew, who went on the 13th to East Yarmouth, to preach for young Mr. Stone, returns. Dine there, and p.m. went to Hianas. N.B. a place of fine Oysters. Eat of them at one Mr. Hallet’s. We return to Mr. Greens, at Eve; and lodge there. An Agreeable Excursion.
October 16, 1764
1764 October 16 (Tuesday). Messrs. Smith and Williams come from Sandwich. Dined at Mr. Greens. Went with those Gentlemen to East Yarmouth. N.B. had been a great deal concerned about Deacon Tainter; how he would bear the Journey, being old and under so great Infirmities: but behold he was got to Madam Dennis’s, the place of entertainment, before me — and there were also Coll. Brigham and Capt. Ward, from Southborough. I lodged there: and the provisions and lodgings very good. N.B. Deacon Tainter was directed to Call at Mr. Adams’s at Roxbury for my Breeches, but none came. I was obliged to borrow, for my own were become unfit. Besides Mr. Greens Goodness, who lent me a pair of Velvet, young Mr. Stone lent me a pair of black Leather to wear home.
October 17, 1764
1764 October 17 (Wednesday). Mr. Green and other Pastors together with their Delegates being come, the Council was formed. Mr. Green Moderator and his Son Scribe. Mr. Stone’s Dismission from the Church in Lyn was read and he was admitted into the Church of East Yarmouth. He exhibited a Confession of Faith — all were satisfyed, and every thing being prepared, we repaired to the Meeting House. There Every thing was very Orderly, quiet and Solemn. Mr. Smith of Marlborough began with prayer, Mr. Stone’s Father preached on 2 Tim. 2.12, latter part. Mr. Green prayed and gave the Charge. Mr. Josiah Lewis prayed after the Charge; I gave the Right Hand of Fellowship. Young Mr. Stone appointed the Psalm and gave the Blessing. May God pardon us and accept us all in Christ Jesus!
October 18, 1764
1764 October 18 (Thursday). Squire Stone having invited me to his House, we rode to Harwich, and dined with him — a very handsome and elegant Entertainment. Messrs. Stone and Smith with us, but Mr. Williams dined at Mr. Dunstars. P.M. leaving Brother Stone at his Brothers, we rode to Eastham; and I went to the Bridge at Nossett, where the waters of the West and East Seas sometimes meet. We went to Mr. Joseph Crockers, and lodged there. N.B. Their Country is very sandy and few Streams. Wind mills are therefore the more frequent. N.B. At Harwich Mr. David Bangs raises Wicker-Trees — the Stump of one, Set but 8 Years Since, measured about 19 Inch diameter, and was 50 feet high, when it was cut down. The Same Mr. Bangs had 51 Bushels of good Wheat from an Acre and Quarter of Ground.
October 19, 1764
1764 October 19 (Friday). Walked in Mr. Crockers Prim-Grove, being the Ascent to the House of the Lord. On the Wind Mill Hill, Saw from Sea to Sea. Saw Malabar Point, or Menomoy — in the Bay of which, I was when I went to Nantucket. Saw that remarkable Place, where our Fathers first came ashore in America; called Namskakit; the Division between the Towns of Harwich and Eastham. We return to Squire Stones, but dine at Mr. Dunstars. N.B. the Inoculating unbearing mulberry Trees, to make them bear. At Mr. David Bangs again, where was Capt. Heman Stone. Take affectionate Leave, and hasten to Barnstable, where we arrive in the Rain, at Mr. Greens and lodge there. N.B. an exceeding large Lobster for supper, bigger than (I think) I ever saw. Mr. Mayhew Still there, and very pleasant Interview.
October 20, 1764
1764 October 20 (Saturday). Bid Adieu to my good Friend and Brother Green and his. Mr. Williams and I (as requested) dine at Coll. Otis’s. N.B. His Barn — Drills — Onions — 420 Bush from 135 Rod of Ground — 90 Bush from 19 Rods. His Wine of Currants — Cyder — made better by this method — viz. Draw it off in March, before the Bud Swells; put in 2 oz. of Pulverized Allum, in a pint of West India Rum — and break in 2 Cakes of Gingerbread. We arrive at Sandwich at Eve, and lodge at Mr. Williams’s.
October 21, 1764
1764 October 21 (Sunday). Preached for Mr. Williams on Luk. 16.23 a. and p.m. May God give His Special Blessing! At Eve came Mr. Benjamin Fessenden, Deacon Toby and Deacon Smith. I lodge at Mr. Williams and find his Conversation very agreeable.
October 22, 1764
1764 October 22 (Monday). Mr. Williams and I ride to the Indian Town, Mashpee. N.B. On the Way, a Rock called Non-such, wherein is a Print, which they call the Devils cloven foot. It is in this form, [here a sketch of a cloven foot]. Mr. Hawley, the Minister, went with me to See some of the Wigwams. Went into the Wigwam of Mary, the Widow of Popmonet, formerly Sachem. Dined at Mr. Hawley’s. Mr. Shaw came from Barnstable to us. Mr. Williams and I return to Sandwich. We go to the Burying place, and view the principal monuments of the Dead. Messrs. Stone and Smith came there. We all lodge at Mr. Williams’s.
October 23, 1764
1764 October 23 (Tuesday). We all set out for home — by the way of Wareham — 13 Miles — dine at Mr. Thatchers. P.M. proceed to Middleborough — 15 Miles — and visit old Madam Thatcher. Mr. Conant and his wife there. They are called away to some Company at their House from Portsmouth. We sup and lodge at Mrs. Thatchers. N.B. She presents me an Hebrew Bible in six Volumes in 24to, but not finding the 5th of them She gives me Montanus’s interlineary of Psalms, Prov: Eccl. and Solomons Song in 8vo.
October 24, 1764
1764 October 24 (Wednesday). At Mr. Conants meet with Dr. Langdon of Portsmouth who rides for his Health, and therefore is our Company. Arrive at Bridgewater, and while Messrs. Stone and Smith go to Mr. Perkins’s, the Doctor and I dined at Mr. Shaw’s. It was Lecture there, but we can’t tarry. Mr. Pattin is there to preach. We pass through Easton; and at Capt. Leonards we part again. The Doctor goes with me to Mr. Curtis’s, where we lodge. Mr. Stone and Smith to Mr. Adams’s, in Stoughton.
October 25, 1764
1764 October 25 (Thursday). Being so near to my Kinsman Bradshaws, I make them a Visit and breakfast with them. Am joined by Dr. Langdon again. Call at Mr. Paysons of Walpole, but we hasten to Medfield, and the rest of our Company coming to us at Mr. Townsends, we all dined there — Mr. Townsend himself being gone to Barrington. P.M. we come to Sherbourn, and after a short stay at Mr. Locks and parting with Dr. Langdon there, we put on for Framingham, where despairing of getting home, and having Special Business at Mr. William Browns, I turn there, whilst my good Brethren tend homewards. Lodged at Mr. Brown’s.
October 26 1764
1764 October 26 (Friday). Alexander is bound to Mr. Brown. Capt. Drury and his son are Witnesses to the Indentures. Mr. Brown and wife promise in their Hearing that if Mr. Brown dies, Alexander shall not have a Master forced upon him that he shall not like, and can’t submitt to. Dined at Coll. Buckminsters but Coll. at Boston. Called at Mr. Stone’s. At sunsett joyfully found my Family in Peace. Deacon Kimbal here, plaistering the East Chambers. He came last Tuesday. Deacon Tainter came to see us. My son Forbes (who has been to Boston) and Daughter Baldwin from Sudbury. N.B. Mr. Forbes brought me a Pair of Black, Leather Breeches from my Brother Samuel.
October 27, 1764
1764 October 27 (Saturday). Mr. Forbes rides to Shrewsbury and writes home — therefore returns to me, and goes to his Father. Deacon Kimbal works a.m., dines and goes home.
October 28, 1764
1764 October 28 (Sunday). Mr. Forbes comes — preaches a.m. on Mat. 15.24, p.m. on 2 Pet. 3.18. I read Prov. 23 and Mat. 27 to v. 34. I read to the Church a Letter from Westmorland to desire our Assistance in the Ordination of Mr. William Goddard on Nov. 7 next: but the Request could not be complyed with both because it was so far, and too late in the Year for me to pretend to ride so far at so late season and especially because we had another Duty of like kind, at which we could not avoid our assistance and which would interfere, viz. the Installation of Rev. Mr. Bowman — for I read also a Letter from the Church of Oxford to that purpose, to be on the 14th. This was accepted — and Squire Whipple and Mr. Daniel Forbes were chosen Delegates.
October 29, 1764
1764 October 29 (Monday). My son Forbes goes to Upton and preaches a Lecture there. I went to Capt. Maynards — he was not well. Mr. Forbes has desired me to pay 100£ old Tenor of the Gilbert Money urgent Necessity for Mr. Bowmans supply presses it. My Dependence is on Capt. Maynard — but no money from him.
October 30, 1764
1764 October 30 (Tuesday). Mr. Forbes, Lucy and Suse Set out for Brookfield. Training — sent for by a Serjeant Drum and Fife of Musqueteers. Prayed — considerable good Order kept. The whole Company March to Lt. Bakers and open to the Right and Left; through which we walk in — and dine there — prayed at Evening with the Company; and the whole marched as before to Lieutenant’s. The whole was conducted in far better order than in times past.
October 31, 1764
1764 October 31 (Wednesday). This morning was informed the Ministers Meeting was adjourned to this Time, because of the Absence of three of us at the Ordination at Yarmouth. Hastened over to it. Got to Mr. Martyns before Lecture. Mr. Gardner preached, on Gen. 11.32, last words. Mr. Stone, Goss and Wheeler absent nevertheless.