1760 August 20 (Wednesday). I was very feeble, faint and feverish last night — and Slept but little; yet being better this morning, through the divine Goodness I went to Meeting. Mr. Goss prayed. I preached on 2 Cor. 4.16. May God Himself grant an Efficacious Blessing! But ardently wish especially that I may my self be properly moved! For how great Reason have I in peculiar manner to Consider my outward Mans Decay, and to be concerned for the renewing of my inward man, Day by Day! N.B. some special, moving Intercourse with Mr. Loring. But (may God have the Glory!) this Meeting was in general one of the most profitable Meetings. Mr. Davis was my Company home but he proceeded on his Journey. Mrs. Maynard at Tea here. At Evening Mr. Abijah Gale here — he manifests Dissatisfaction that Mr. Welman preached here — but goes away satisfyed. I understood by him that some Number besides went to other Meetings — which I am sorry for.