1760 July 1 (Tuesday). I rode over to Hopkinton to See Mr. Barret, but he, his wife, Son, Daughter and Grand son being gone over to Mrs. Morris’s to dinner, I dined at Mr. Crosman’s — where I was willing to make a Visit, because young Mrs. Crosman was So newly come home, to live there (See June 12) and because my Daughter Sarah was with me, whom Mrs. Crosman had much sollicited to go home with her, but could not. N.B. Coll. Jones, Capt. Dunlop dined there also. Gilbert Dench (I think nigh a Year younger than my Billy) going out a Lieutenant to the Said Dunlop. After Dinner My Daughter and I rode to Mrs. Morris’s, where we found Mr. Barret and the rest. N.B. I Received of Mrs. Morris (having borrowed them before of her Husband when he was at my House) the Two volumes of Poetical Register. We returned home safe at Night. D.G. N.B. This Day a Council Sits at North Sutton, which is to decide their Case. N.B. While I was at Hopkinton Mrs. Maynard, Mrs. Speakman, and Miss Nanny Woods here.