January 24, 1759

1759 January 24 (Wednesday).  Mr. John Brigham of Sudbury (one handed man) dined with me, tells me Capt. Maynard and Mrs. Anne Brigham were marryed last Night.  Just before Night I went over to Capt. Maynards as he had desired, to meet him as Bridegroom with his Bride — (his phrase was he then designed to bring home his Wife).  My Wife did not incline to go, her Child was very tendfull — and John was Sick, though to Day much better; yet this is (according to usual Course) his sick Day.  To God be praise and Glory.  It was also somewhat odd that our Children were not invited to Wedding (as neither were we ourselves) nor were any of them to His Entertainment though many others were, not nearer related than they.  But ‘tis prob[ab]le their Thoughts were too much engaged to think much of This So Small Affair.  It was very Cold.  I walked there, and returned o’ foot.  I left at them at nine o’Clock, omitting Singing, rather than run the venture of being too late.  Asked Cousen Sally Brigham, Mr. Speakman and Master Wheeler who came with her, to lodge at our House.  But the Distance and especially the Cold, were sufficient Excuse with them.