1758 August 31 (Thursday). Rode to Dr. Chase’s to see his wife who is in a weak dejected state. N.B. I there asked the Doctor in the hearing of Mr. Cornelius Biglow, what I was indebted to him, particularly for what he had done with regard to my Wife’s Breast? And he answered I was welcome to it. I presently after asked Mr. Biglow whether he took Notice of what the Doctor Said in this and he told me he did. We presently had discourse with the Doctor about his not coming to Meeting, and the Reasons of his Conduct — but he gave none. I visited old Mrs. Bruce, at the Desire of her son Ephraim who was at Dr. Chace’s (though not when the Doctor Said I was welcome etc.), She having lately broke or much lamed her Arm by a Fall. I visited the Widow of Jonas Twitchell. P.M. Monsieur Francis Robishow etc. (see the 29th) in returning, came here, and I had some Close Conversation upon the Difference of our Religions. O that God would please to Open their Eyes, that they might be convinced of their Errors, and See and embrace the Truth of the Gospel!