1758 August 1 (Tuesday). My wife in great Affliction and pain with her Breast and am concerned for Molly’s Infant; nor am I without tender Sympathy with those in the Wilderness — but otherwise it was a Day of Gladness with me for the Divine Goodness to my Children at Brookfield. I invited Capt. Wood, and his wife and Dr. Rice to Dinner. Only Mrs. Wood Came. P.M. Miss Mary Stone came for her sister Judith who is at Mr. James Maynards. I rode to see the widow Rogers and Mrs. Frost — found neither of ‘em at home. Saw Mrs. Frost at Capt. Forb. Mr. Martyn here nigh Sunsetting going to Hopkinton Fast. Adam here a little before sun sett to bind and stuke my Rye.